Students spend the time that they could have spent on regurgitation rather than on understanding how English actually works.
睇咗幾次都不理解the time that could have spent在這裡的作用
Students are more concerned with what is the correct language rather than what feels right and what reads beautiful.
首先,佢想講concerned with還是about?兩個意思不同。同埋有甚麼問題?correctness=makes you sound more educated。第三,我不相信有西人會寫concerned with what is correct language 這結構
Students are rarely encouraged to work on and inculcate their higher-order thinking
Teachers either don’t have the time, resources, permission, or expertise (cultural, literary and general knowledge)
Students believe that they should learn words and expressions by memorization rather than creation. Many of them don’t feel comfortable learning a phrase or a word by trial and error.
甚麼是learn words hy creation?是指meaningful production?為何這個creation比memorization好? 其實背誦唔係錯,不過學生要的是context和製造output的機會。
Students see English as a subject that they have to study, rather than a skill that they can practise.
Students feel the pressure to learn English to survive in the education market as commodities