
192 回覆
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2020-04-19 11:09:00
2020-04-19 11:29:56
2020-04-20 04:07:36
2020-04-24 05:40:39
2020-04-24 05:54:08
2020-04-24 06:26:10
2020-04-24 07:10:36
2020-04-24 14:46:46
2020-04-25 16:28:32
2020-04-25 17:50:15
2020-04-26 13:56:24
On this day in 1990, the Hubble Space Telescope was deployed into orbit 381 miles above Earth from the space shuttle Discovery. Happy birthday, Hubble! 🔭🎂 #NASAAtHome #OnThisDayInHistory

Pictured is a view of the Carina Nebula's 'Mystic Mountain'.


2020-04-26 14:42:24
2020-04-26 15:08:55
2020-04-26 20:57:22
My friend Stephen is a science fiction fan. He said "If starships would exist, I would quit my job and spend the rest of my life roaming the universe." By the end of the next century, scientists will have invented starships. As I'm extremely interested in the science of starships, I'm gonna ask physics professor Dr. Chan about it. I'm gonna wait outside the lecture hall at twenty five to six. He will have finished his lecture. I thought about phoning him at quarter after three but my friend said "Don't phone him now. He won't have finished his lecture yet." It's true that he wouldn't have finished teaching yet. Stephen is an accounting manager at Foodpanda. If he takes the job at Big 4, he'll be three thousand five hundred dollars a month better off but he's still better off now than he was for years ago when he was working below everybody else in the department. He thinks a junior accountant position is beneath him. If he hadn't taken the CPA exam four years before, he wouldn'tbe working as a manager now. If he'd pursued a career in marketing and sales instead of accounting, his salary would be much lower. If it weren't for his uncle's referral to Foodpanda, his career wouldn't take off now and he wouldn't start earning a lot of money. Recently, his sister married her high school sweetheart. Her father felt she was marrying beneath her though. Her auntie also feels her husband is beneath her. She enjoys socializing with the better off. Three months ago, Stephen was away on a business trip to Hokkaido. After his trip, I said "If you should travel to Hokkaido again, can you get me a pack of White Lover Cookies please?" Stephen is a computer expert. His cousin has to write a report which is die on Tuesday but he's having problems with his computer. If Stephen would go and fix his computer, he would be so thankful for Stephen's help. His cousin also has exams next Monday so he's better off revising at home over the weekend.
2020-04-26 22:07:48
2020-04-27 18:10:55
2020-04-27 18:39:49
2020-04-27 18:42:54
11月生日 一年後翻黎
2020-04-28 11:01:07

拍攝於1998年,位於大熊座方向,距離地球5,900萬光年嘅不規則星系 茲維基18 Galaxy I Zwicky 18
位於左下角嘅 I Zwicky 18 相當細,直徑只有3,000光年。(銀河系直徑約為十萬光年)
而右上角就係 I Zwicky 18 嘅伴星系。因為兩者距離得好近,兩者嘅重力交互令 I Zwicky 18 產生好多新嘅恆星。

因為喺 I Zwicky 18 所觀察到嘅恆星都比較年輕,天文學家估計 I Zwicky 18 只有5億年嘅年齡。
I Zwicky 18 係一個非常年輕嘅星系,但佢附近嘅星系就有100億年老。

由於 I Zwicky 18 好細又好遠,而 Hubble 望遠鏡嘅觀測係有佢分辨率同靈敏度嘅極限。
所以到底係 I Zwicky 18 真係年輕,定係年老嘅恆星未被發現,咁就等大家自己判斷啦!

拍攝於2005年,距離地球5,000萬光年嘅觸鬚星系 Antennae Galaxies
佢又稱為 NGC 4038-4039 ,係兩個星系約9億年前接近,並慢慢交互所形成。

地球上嘅生物眾所周知都係碳基生命 Carbon-based life ,是指以碳元素為有機物質基礎嘅生物。
有科學家就思考會唔會有除此以外嘅生命形式,而開始咗一門稱為假定型生物化學 Hypothetical types of biochemistry 嘅研究。
Chandra X-ray Observatory 觀察 Antennae Galaxies 時就發現,其當中擁有嘅矽係太陽嘅24倍。
矽基生物 Silicon-based life 就係其中一種相信係可行嘅生命形式。

拍攝於2015年,距離地球8,200萬光年嘅 Dwarf Galaxy Kiso 5639。
Kiso 5639 望落就好似一粒流星,但其實係矮星系黎。
天文學家相信係一百萬年前,Kiso 5639 撞擊到一絲氣體,星系得到新嘅物質激發咗劇烈嘅恆星誕生。

拍攝於2014年,距離地球1,350光年嘅 赫比格-哈羅24 Herbig-Haro 24。


2020-04-28 11:02:12
2020-04-29 21:06:45
好掛住樓主 支持
2020-04-29 21:34:16
2020-04-29 23:22:23
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞