【推到完場】機場特警 2

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2020-03-31 20:50:07
2020-03-31 20:50:28
2020-03-31 20:50:35
2020-03-31 20:50:36

2020-03-31 20:51:04

you are

ready to cook the

beef wellingtons, score the

pastry lightly and brush with

the egg wash again, then

bake at 200°C/Gas 6

for 15-20 minutes

until the pastry

is golden brown

and cooked. Rest

for 10 minutes

before carving.

Meanwhile, reheat the sauce. Serve the beef wellingtons sliced, with the sauce as an accompaniment.
2020-03-31 20:51:13
2020-03-31 20:51:16

you are

ready to cook the

beef wellingtons, score the

pastry lightly and brush with

the egg wash again, then

bake at 200°C/Gas 6

for 15-20 minutes

until the pastry

is golden brown

and cooked. Rest

for 10 minutes

before carving
2020-03-31 20:51:47

2020-03-31 20:51:48
2020-03-31 20:51:59



ready to

cook the

beef wellingtons

, score the

pastry lightly and brush with

the egg wash again, then

bake at 200°C/Gas 6

for 15-20 minutes

until the pastry

is golden brown

and cooked. Rest

for 10 minutes

before carving
2020-03-31 20:52:26

you are

ready to cook the

beef wellingtons, score the

pastry lightly and brush with

the egg wash again, then

bake at 200°C/Gas 6

for 15-20 minutes

until the pastry

is golden brown

and cooked. Rest

for 10 minutes

before carving
2020-03-31 20:52:28
參加 事~叻~荀~
2020-03-31 20:53:07
2020-03-31 20:53:09

you are

ready to cook the

beef wellingtons, score the

pastry lightly and brush with

the egg wash again, then

bake at 200°C/Gas 6

for 15-20 minutes

until the pastry

is golden brown

and cooked. Rest

for 10 minutes

before carving
2020-03-31 20:53:22

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