【推到完場】機場特警 2

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2020-04-02 21:11:38
2020-04-02 21:13:08

2020-04-02 21:13:22
2020-04-02 21:13:26

2020-04-02 21:14:37
1:1 [hb5]  俄 巴 底 亞 得 了 耶 和 華 的 默 示 。 論 以 東 說 、 我 從 耶 和 華 那 裡 聽 見 信 息 、 並 有 使 者 被 差 往 列 國 去 、 說 、 起 來 罷 、 一 同 起 來 與 以 東 爭 戰 。
    [kjv]  The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord GOD concerning Edom; We have heard a rumour from the LORD, and an ambassador is sent among the heathen, Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle.
    [bbe]  The vision of Obadiah. This is what the Lord has said about Edom: We have had word from the Lord, and a representative has been sent among the nations, saying, Up! and let us make war against her.
1:2 [hb5]  我 使 你 以 東 在 列 國 中 為 最 小 的 、 被 人 大 大 藐 視 。
    [kjv]  Behold, I have made thee small among the heathen: thou art greatly despised.
    [bbe]  See, I have made you small among the nations: you are much looked down on.
1:3 [hb5]  住 在 山 穴 中 、 居 所 在 高 處 的 阿 、 你 因 狂 傲 自 欺 、 心 裡 說 、 誰 能 將 我 拉 下 地 去 呢 。
    [kjv]  The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground?
    [bbe]  You have been tricked by the pride of your heart, O you whose living-place is in the cracks of the rock, whose house is high up; who has said in his heart, Who will make me come down to earth?
1:4 [hb5]  你 雖 如 大 鷹 高 飛 、 在 星 宿 之 間 搭 窩 、 我 必 從 那 裡 拉 下 你 來 . 這 是 耶 和 華 說 的 。
    [kjv]  Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the LORD.
    [bbe]  Though you go up on high like an eagle, though your house is placed among the stars, I will make you come down from there, says the Lord.
1:5 [hb5]  盜 賊 若 來 在 你 那 裡 、 或 強 盜 夜 間 而 來 、 ( 你 何 竟 被 剪 除 ) 豈 不 偷 竊 直 到 夠 了 呢 . 摘 葡 萄 的 若 來 到 你 那 裡 、 豈 不 剩 下 些 葡 萄 呢 。
    [kjv]  If thieves came to thee, if robbers by night, (how art thou cut off!) would they not have stolen till they had enough? if the grapegatherers came to thee, would they not leave some grapes?
    [bbe]  If thieves came, attacking you by night, (how are you cut off!) would they not go on taking till they had enough? if men came cutting your grapes would they take them all?
1:6 [hb5]  以 掃 的 隱 密 處 、 何 竟 被 搜 尋 . 他 隱 藏 的 寶 物 、 何 竟 被 查 出 。
    [kjv]  How are the things of Esau searched out! how are his hidden things sought up!
    [bbe]  How are the things of Esau searched out! how are his secret stores looked for!
1:7 [hb5]  與 你 結 盟 的 、 都 送 你 上 路 、 直 到 交 界 . 與 你 和 好 的 、 欺 騙 你 、 且 勝 過 你 . 與 你 一 同 喫 飯 的 設 下 網 羅 陷 害 你 . 在 你 心 裡 毫 無 聰 明 。
2020-04-02 21:14:42
2020-04-02 21:14:52

2020-04-02 21:16:29

2020-04-02 21:17:12

2020-04-02 21:19:02
2020-04-02 21:19:36
1:1 [hb5] 
俄 巴 底 亞 得 了 耶 和 華 的 默 示 。
論 以 東 說 、
我 從 耶 和 華 那 裡 聽 見 信 息 、
並 有 使 者 被 差 往 列 國 去 、
說 、
起 來 罷 、
一 同 起 來 與 以 東 爭 戰 。

The vision of Obadiah.
Thus saith the Lord GOD concerning Edom;
We have heard a rumour from the LORD,
and an ambassador is sent among the heathen,
Arise ye,
and let us rise up against her in battle.

The vision of Obadiah.
This is what the Lord has said about Edom:
We have had word from the Lord,
and a representative has been sent among the nations,
and let us make war against her.

1:2 [hb5] 
我 使 你 以 東 在 列 國 中 為 最 小 的 、
被 人 大 大 藐 視 。

I have made thee small among the heathen:
thou art greatly despised.

I have made you small among the nations:
you are much looked down on.

1:3 [hb5] 
住 在 山 穴 中 、
居 所 在 高 處 的 阿 、
你 因 狂 傲 自 欺 、
心 裡 說 、
誰 能 將 我 拉 下 地 去 呢 。

The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee,
thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock,
whose habitation is high;
that saith in his heart,
Who shall bring me down to the ground?

You have been tricked by the pride of your heart,
O you whose living-place is in the cracks of the rock,
whose house is high up;
who has said in his heart,
Who will make me come down to earth?

1:4 [hb5] 
你 雖 如 大 鷹 高 飛 、
在 星 宿 之 間 搭 窩 、
我 必 從 那 裡 拉 下 你 來 .
這 是 耶 和 華 說 的 。

Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle,
and though thou set thy nest among the stars,
thence will I bring thee down,
saith the LORD.

Though you go up on high like an eagle,
though your house is placed among the stars,
I will make you come down from there,
says the Lord.

1:5 [hb5] 
盜 賊 若 來 在 你 那 裡 、
或 強 盜 夜 間 而 來 、
( 你 何 竟 被 剪 除 )
豈 不 偷 竊 直 到 夠 了 呢 .
摘 葡 萄 的 若 來 到 你 那 裡 、
豈 不 剩 下 些 葡 萄 呢 。

If thieves came to thee,
if robbers by night,
(how art thou cut off!)
would they not have stolen till they had enough?
if the grapegatherers came to thee,
would they not leave some grapes?

If thieves came,
attacking you by night,
(how are you cut off!)
would they not go on taking till they had enough?
if men came cutting your grapes would they take them all?

1:6 [hb5] 
以 掃 的 隱 密 處 、
何 竟 被 搜 尋 .
他 隱 藏 的 寶 物 、
何 竟 被 查 出 。

How are the things of Esau searched out!
how are his hidden things sought up!

How are the things of Esau searched out!
how are his secret stores looked for!
2020-04-02 21:19:58

2020-04-02 21:20:00

2020-04-02 21:20:20
2020-04-02 21:20:22

2020-04-02 21:20:55

2020-04-02 21:20:57

2020-04-02 21:21:09
2020-04-02 21:21:46
2020-04-02 21:21:57

2020-04-02 21:22:07
恐怖分子 不了
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