三大乞食科畢業既你地 依家做緊咩

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2020-01-20 11:40:18

但識人讀過 做緊
2020-01-20 12:30:12
我都有諗過 不過貴同chur 行頭窄 雖然話聽講會新增駐校ST 但係硬係覺得各個program加埋嘅graduates好似有啲多
2020-01-20 16:40:19

好難講的 識幾個讀law都話因爲覺得自己好高分所以應該要揀啲相稱既科
你話佢地好有熱情咩 又稱唔上
只不過動力大 (揾錢多 社會地位高)
2020-01-20 17:13:17

雖然所謂乞食科 機會少d

就係其他科可能上唔到最頂 都唔會過得好差
office工慢慢上 30k都唔算係奢望
到你做到research assistant
2020-01-20 17:15:11
bank ba? I think should be more than 15k la
2020-01-20 17:34:02
fg bank ba 15k
interview話佢fg係呢個價 冇經濟咪諗住做住先咁
2020-01-20 20:43:21
話哂係專門技能 可以去外國發展
2020-01-20 20:47:11
2020-01-20 21:06:50
2020-01-20 22:10:59
ST未必 香港嘅training未必出到去 返大陸就應該得 不過都應該冇人想啦係咪?
2020-01-20 22:12:45
話說我朋友讀完個master 做咗兩年嘢

2020-01-20 22:19:07
我只係聽講話個program要求埋流利普通話 唔知洗唔洗返大陸實習
2020-01-20 22:53:40
um哩個我唔知 但讀得嘅英文一定唔差

於上佢就去咗 拎到working visa
2020-01-21 14:12:44
Now, you move to logistic field? better to stay in finance field, automation in bank operation is the trend, a lot of ba is required
2020-01-21 14:58:04
yes, bcoz i want to be a data analyst instead
but finance field give me no chance for entering data side... only boring ba communication stuffs
2020-01-21 15:54:40
you are good at programming and maths? Get a master degree and try to get a job in entry position. BA is not just communication task, maybe you need to stay for longer, get exposure to different project, try to learn the business which is crucial in your career. You want to be a data scientist because it is well paid or just interested in?
2020-01-21 16:11:43
interest, getting outcome or insight from data makes me feel great
planning to get a ds master in the future
ba is not my favor at this moment
2020-01-21 16:48:07
have you studied probability statistical inference
regression in the university, also sometime schocastic calculus is required, try to make use of the online machine learning resouces such as scikit-learn
2020-01-21 17:26:16
studied some foundational stat knowledge like regression, clustering, time series
programming like R, SQL, hadoop
but not familiar now
2020-01-21 18:33:10
in MATH department or in BBA department? has a huge difference.
BBA told you the result, Math told you the process.
2020-01-21 18:37:58
I don't know what kind of data scientist you are planning to be, some like DeepMind only hire PHD, some hire fresh grad but the work is very simple, like extracting data to do some basic analysis (increasing, decreasing)
2020-01-21 23:39:55
但前提係 唔洗為生活擔心先
2020-01-22 00:43:47
i prefer modeling, more like PHD required like what you said
i got chance to work as ETL analyst, but it just likes what you describe, using query to extract and load data seems boring so i rejected lol
2020-01-22 00:44:56
BBA lol
thats why my foundation is weak compared to cs or math student...
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