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2021-01-23 21:41:43
It's s safe bet that you go to Japan on vacation at easter since the Japanese yen has fallen fairly rapidly in the last three months. If so, I heartily recommend taking the airport express at IFC. It's very easy. Once you're at the IFC exit where you can head straight for Queen's Road Central, enter IFC, go past the escalator in front of you and keep walking until you come to another escalator. Go down it, turn left and go straight ahead. It's there. If you wanna go to Shinjuku from Tokyo Station, go through the gate, go down the escalator and look at her signs. You'll see which side is bound for Shinjuku. If you wanna have a coffee at J.Cafe, take the lift to level three, go straight down the path and pass several shops until you come to an intersection. Turn right and it's there. If you want to take a lift to a higher floor, turn left at the intersection, pass several shops until you see Pure Fitness on your left, enter Pure Fitness and the elevator is there. I enjoy visiting the annual winter carnival where I ride the roller coasters and eat sushi, soaking up the nice Christmassy atmosphere. The sunlight has been dazzlingly bright so you might just as well have a good long soak in an outdoor onsen, soaking up the sun. In fact, I've just got out of an onsen and am drying myself on a towel. However, if you ask me if Australia is a good place to go for your holidays, I wouldn't bet on it. There's nothing worth doing there. I like Japanese culture and food. I even took the JLPT at N one level. My listening far outshines my writing so the marks I lost in writing were offset by those I gained in listening. My friend too took the test. She's a little weak at speaking but strong in reading so the marks she gained in the reading part offset those she lost in the speaking section. After the test, we spent money on clothes and food like it was going out of fashion. We entered a casino and gambled like it was going out of fashion. If you enjoy being in Japan, you might spend money on food and cosmetic products like it's going out of fashion. If you go to a casino, you might gamble like it's going out of fashion like we did.

I've just got out of a jacuzzi in Rome, dried myself off and am getting dressed. My cousin has just towelled off too and am dressing.
2021-02-01 14:08:48
2021-02-20 14:26:29
2021-02-20 22:08:06
String instruments: Harp. Violin, viola, cello, double bass.

Woodwind instruments: Saxophone. Piccolo, flute, oboe, cor anglais (English horn), clarinet, E flat clarinet, bass clarinet, bassoon, contrabassoon.

Brass instruments: Trumpet, cornet, trombone, euphonium, French horn, tuba
2021-02-22 15:59:58
Definite pitch: Glockenspiel 鐵片琴, xylophone 木琴, vibraphone 顫音琴, marimba 馬林巴, timpani/kettledrums (timps) 定音鼓, celesta/bell-piano 鋼片琴 and chimes 管鐘/擺鐘.

Indefinite pitch: Triangle 三角鐵, bass drum, snare drum, gongs 鑼, tambourine 鈴鼓/搖鼓, castanets/clackers/palillos 響板, sleigh bells/jingle bells 馬鈴 and cymbals (hi-hat, clash and ride) 銅鈸.

Saxophone, cor anglais and clarinet are transposing instruments.

Saxophone, clarinet and bass clarinet are single reed instrument while oboe, cor anglais, bassoon and contrabassoon are double reed instruments.

Flute is a reedless instrument.
2021-03-31 17:03:55
Glockenspiel 鐵片琴/鐘琴
2021-04-06 13:12:59
Susannah hasn't done grade eight trombone exam. Neither have I (Nor have I/I haven't either/Me neither) Her cousin hasn't done the practical exam, neither has she taken the theory exam. Leonard also hasn't taken the practical exam, nor has he done the theory exam. Celine didn't go to Agnes' concert and Tommy didn't either. (Neither Celine nor Tommy attended the concert) In thd first match, Dan didn't punch nor kick his opponent; he got knocked out in the first ten seconds. In the second match, Dan neither won nor lost; it was a draw.
2021-04-11 13:57:30
The shop gives/offers you a discount if you buy two t-shirts. It gives/offers a fifty percent discount on all puffer jackets. There's a forty percent discount on the white down coats until the end of the month. University students get/receive a fifteen percent discount on long-sleeved t-shirts and blouses. The prices of these t-shirts and blouses without discount are around three hundred dollars. The prices with discount are only two hundred dollars. The discount apply to only university students. Hollister and Zara are offering/giving discounts of up to thirty percent on all sweatshirts for men and women. I bought/purchased a pair of chinos at a huge/big/deep discount.
2021-04-11 14:03:30
The shop gives/offers (you) a discount if you buy two t-shirts. It gives/offers (you) a fifty percent discount on all puffer jackets. There's a forty percent discount on the white down coats until the end of the month. University students get/receive a fifteen percent discount on long-sleeved t-shirts and blouses. The prices of these t-shirts and blouses without discount are around three hundred dollars. The prices with discount are only two hundred dollars. The discount apply to only university students. Hollister and Zara are offering/giving discounts of up to thirty percent on all sweatshirts for men and women. I bought/purchased a pair of chinos at a huge/big/deep discount.
2021-04-13 14:49:10
Roller skating, in-line skating (rollerblading), ice skating
2021-04-16 22:27:12
"At" for spectators and "in" for performers.

E.g. "Tomorrow I will be in a concert." = "Tomorrow I will be performing in a concert.".

"Tomorrow I will be at a concert." = "Tomorrow I will be attending a concert.".
2021-04-17 14:26:40
My friend John isn't very well-to-do while his girlfriend's family is very well-off. Last week, he gave a party at his place where cheap wines were served. The sofas in his flat are made of some cheap material. His television is cheap and nasty. As many of us wanted to watch the news, I said "If I could turn the television on please." He then said "Sure. If you would switch to the news channel." Recently, he got some new clothes on the cheap from a shop that's about to go into liquidation(faces possible liquidation). He bought a cheap pair of sneakers that fell apart after a couple months so I bought him a good quality pair. He's too cheap (mean) to buy new shoes. He's very cheap (mean) with the air conditioner too- it's only on for an hour each day then he turns on the fans and opens the windows instead but the air conditioner was dirt cheap. He vacationed in Macau last Monday but he's so cheap he didn't even buy us postcards. He stayed in a three-star hotel where it serves cheap and cheerful food and sells cheap and cheerful clothes. We watched a boxing match in which Paul hit Joe with a cheap shot after he lost to Joe. We also watched a comedy show which was full of cheap laughs. The comedian is famous for his vulgar manner and wearing a vulgar suit. His grandfather was a cheap gangster and liar. His jokes and jibes were cheap and vulgar. He's a flutist whereas I'm a bassoonist. He asked me to get him some Ravel scores as I can get them on the cheap from a friend of mine. This passage should be played beautifully rather than rhythmically, otherwise it's a bit cheap. I saw lots of his pencil marks on the score, such as cantabile, silence, no pause here, just separate, clean pedal, more melodic voicing, remain soft, stay soft, quiet, hear tenor, hear top line, clearer, articulate, in time, silvery soft, gentler, take time, close to the keys.... A wavy line in front of a chord means to play the notes one after another beginning at the bottom (quickly in order). A rolled chord is a type of broken chord. It's a chord whose notes are played quickly in order (one after another beginning at the bottom), as opposed to simultaneously; to give a chord a harp-like effect. Use second and fourth fingers on all broken thirds in the right hand. Lean your right hand to the right like this as you play so that the melodic line stands out. A thirty-second note lasts half as long as a sixteenth note and twice as long as a sixty-fourth. Your fingertip should be on the key. When your fingernails (nails) are too long, you need to clip (trim/cut) them, otherwise it affects your playing. Your thumb is your first finger. Your index finger is your second finger and so on. Try to play these ascending notes. Your turn (Try it). Play slowly, one by one. Now, try to play these descending notes. Try to play hands together slowly. Release (Lift your second finger) your second finger (this note/this chord/D) before you play the next note (E).
I prefer payment in blocks. You can pay monthly or for four lessons at a time. For this month, it's okay to pay on a lesson-by-lesson basis because maybe you wanna see what it's like to have lessons. From next month onward, you can pay monthly. Students of all standards are welcome. I'm also an accompanist who accompanies singers for live performances, exams and auditions.
2021-04-17 14:27:19
My friend John isn't very well-to-do while his girlfriend's family is very well-off. Last week, he gave a party at his place where cheap wines were served. The sofas in his flat are made of some cheap material. His television is cheap and nasty. As many of us wanted to watch the news, I said "If I could turn the television on please." He then said "Sure. If you would switch to the news channel." Recently, he got some new clothes on the cheap from a shop that's about to go into liquidation(faces possible liquidation). He bought a cheap pair of sneakers that fell apart after a couple months so I bought him a good quality pair. He's too cheap (mean) to buy new shoes. He's very cheap (mean) with the air conditioner too- it's only on for an hour each day then he turns on the fans and opens the windows instead but the air conditioner was dirt cheap. He vacationed in Macau last Monday but he's so cheap he didn't even buy us postcards. He stayed in a three-star hotel where it serves cheap and cheerful food and sells cheap and cheerful clothes. We watched a boxing match in which Paul hit Joe with a cheap shot after he lost to Joe. We also watched a comedy show which was full of cheap laughs. The comedian is famous for his vulgar manner and wearing a vulgar suit. His grandfather was a cheap gangster and liar. His jokes and jibes were cheap and vulgar. He's a flutist whereas I'm a bassoonist. He asked me to get him some Ravel scores as I can get them on the cheap from a friend of mine. This passage should be played beautifully rather than rhythmically, otherwise it's a bit cheap. I saw lots of his pencil marks on the score, such as cantabile, silence, no pause here, just separate, clean pedal, more melodic voicing, remain soft, stay soft, quiet, hear tenor, hear top line, clearer, articulate, in time, silvery soft, gentler, take time, close to the keys.... A wavy line in front of a chord means to play the notes one after another beginning at the bottom (quickly in order). A rolled chord is a type of broken chord. It's a chord whose notes are played quickly in order (one after another beginning at the bottom), as opposed to simultaneously; to give a chord a harp-like effect. Use second and fourth fingers on all broken thirds in the right hand. Lean your right hand to the right like this as you play so that the melodic line stands out. A thirty-second note lasts half as long as a sixteenth note and twice as long as a sixty-fourth. Your fingertip should be on the key. When your fingernails (nails) are too long, you need to clip (trim/cut) them, otherwise it affects your playing. Your thumb is your first finger. Your index finger is your second finger and so on. Try to play these ascending notes. Your turn (Try it). Play slowly, one by one. Now, try to play these descending notes. Try to play hands together slowly. Release (Lift your second finger) your second finger (this note/this chord/D) before you play the next note (E). I prefer payment in blocks. You can pay monthly or for four lessons at a time. For this month, it's okay to pay on a lesson-by-lesson basis because maybe you wanna see what it's like to have lessons. From next month onward, you can pay monthly. Students of all standards are welcome. I'm also an accompanist who accompanies singers for live performances, exams and auditions.
2021-04-17 14:30:43
It's been reported that some iPhone models particularly iPhone seven emit radiation over the legal limit so I suggest that you use Samsung Note Ten Plus instead since it emits the least radiation out of all phones to date. Samsung Galaxy S Nine Plus also has amazingly low radiation. My friend Paul got off at the wrong stop and had to wait for another train. I said "How on earth did you miss your stop?" He then said "I'm sorry. What can I say?" He's a clarinetist. I complimented him on his clarinet skills. He said "Yes, what can I say?" The current situation is very bad. I said "Well, yes, what can I say?" This morning, I was shocked when I saw a car crash on the street. He then said "I can imagine." His brother too said "I'm sure you were." Anyway, I think it's time to get my beauty sleep. My girlfriend has tumbled into the duvet (snuggled down into her warm duvet) and got (some of) her beauty sleep. Night and sweet dreams (sleep well/sleep tight)!
2021-04-17 15:48:15
My friend Leonard isn't very well-to-do while his girlfriend's family is very well-off. Last week, he gave (threw/had) a party at his place where cheap wines were served. The sofas in his flat are made of some cheap material. His television is cheap and nasty. As many of us wanted to watch the news, I said "If I could turn the television on please." He then said "Sure. If you would switch to the news channel." Recently, he got some new clothes on the cheap from a shop that's about to go into liquidation (facing possible liquidation). He bought a cheap pair of sneakers that fell apart after a couple months so I bought him a good quality pair. He's too cheap (mean) to buy new shoes. He's very mean (cheap) with the air conditioner too - it's only on for an hour each day then he turns on the fans and opens the windows instead but the air conditioner was dirt cheap. He vacationed in Macau last Tuesday but he's so cheap he didn't even buy us postcards. He stayed in a three-star hotel where it serves cheap and cheerful food (drinks) and (the rooms are cheap and cheerful) sells cheap and cheerful clothes (shoes/cosmetic products/instruments). We watched a boxing match in which Paul hit Joe with a cheap shot after he lost to Joe. We also watched a comedy show which was full of cheap laughs. The comedian is famous for his vulgar manner and wearing a vulgar suit. His grandfather was a cheap gangster and liar. His jokes and jibes were cheap and vulgar. Leonardo a flutist whereas I'm a bassoonist. He asked me to get him some Ravel scores as I can get them on the cheap from a friend of mine. This passage should be played beautifully rather than rhythmically, otherwise it's a bit cheap. I saw lots of his pencil marks on the score, such as cantabile, silence, no pause here, just separate, clean pedal, more melodic voicing, remain soft, stay soft, quiet, hear tenor, hear top line, clearer, articulate, in time, silvery soft, gentler, take time, close to the keys.... A wavy line in front of a chord means to play the notes one after another beginning at the bottom (quickly in order). A rolled chord is a type of broken chord. It's a chord whose notes are played quickly in order (one after another beginning at the bottom), as opposed to simultaneously; to give a chord a harp-like effect. Use second and fourth fingers on all broken thirds in the right hand. Lean your right hand to the right like this as you play so that the melodic line stands out. A thirty-second note lasts half as long as a sixteenth note and twice as long as a sixty-fourth. Your fingertip should be on the key. When your fingernails (nails) are too long, you need to clip (trim/cut) them, otherwise it affects your playing. Your thumb is your first finger. Your index finger is your second finger and so on. Try to play these ascending notes. Your turn (Try it). Play slowly, one by one. Now, try to play these descending notes. Try to play hands together slowly. Release (Lift your second finger) your second finger (this note/this chord/D) before you play the next note (E). I prefer payment in blocks. You can pay monthly or for four lessons at a time. For this month, it's okay to pay on a lesson-by-lesson basis because maybe you wanna see what it's like to have lessons. From next month onward, you can pay monthly. Students of all standards are welcome. I'm also an accompanist who accompanies singers and instrumentalists for live performances, exams and auditions.
2021-04-18 10:59:32
It's been reported that some iPhone models particularly iPhone seven emit radiation over (beyond/outside/above) the legal limit so I suggest that you use Samsung Note Ten Plus instead since it emits the least radiation out of all phones to date (emits radiation within/below/under the legal limit). Samsung Galaxy S Nine Plus also has amazingly low radiation. My friend Paul got off at the wrong stop and had to wait for another train. I said "How on earth did you miss your stop?" He then said "I'm sorry. What can I say?" He's a clarinetist. I complimented him on his clarinet skills. He said "Yes, what can I say?" The current situation is very bad. I said "Well, yes, what can I say?" This morning, I was shocked when I saw a car crash on the street. He then said "I can imagine." His brother too said "I'm sure you were." Anyway, I think it's time to get my beauty sleep. My girlfriend has tumbled into the duvet (snuggled down into her warm duvet) and got (some of) her beauty sleep. Night and sweet dreams (sleep well/sleep tight)!
2021-04-18 12:36:29
My friend Leonardo isn't very well-to-do while his girlfriend's family is very well-off. Last week, he gave (threw/had) a party at his place where cheap wines were served. The sofas in his flat are made of some cheap material. His television is cheap and nasty. As many of us wanted to watch the news, I said "If I could turn the television on please." He then said "Sure. If you would switch to the news channel." Recently, he got some new clothes on the cheap from a shop that's about to go into liquidation (facing possible liquidation). He bought a cheap pair of sneakers that fell apart after a couple months so I bought him a good quality pair. He's too cheap (mean) to buy new shoes. He's very mean (cheap) with the air conditioner too - it's only on for an hour each day then he turns on the fans and opens the windows instead but the air conditioner was dirt cheap. He vacationed in Macau last Tuesday but he's so cheap he didn't even buy us postcards. He stayed in a three-star hotel where it serves cheap and cheerful food (drinks) and (the rooms are cheap and cheerful) sells cheap and cheerful clothes (shoes/cosmetic products/instruments). We watched a boxing match in which Paul hit Joe with a cheap shot after he lost to Joe. We also watched a comedy show which was full of cheap laughs. The comedian is famous for his vulgar manner and wearing a vulgar suit. His grandfather was a cheap gangster and liar. His jokes and jibes were cheap and vulgar. Leonardo is a flutist whereas I'm a bassoonist. He asked me to get him some Ravel scores as I can get them on the cheap from a friend of mine. This passage should be played beautifully rather than rhythmically, otherwise it's a bit cheap. I saw lots of his pencil marks on the score, such as cantabile, silence, no pause here, just separate, clean pedal, more melodic voicing, remain soft, stay soft, quiet, hear tenor, hear top line, clearer, articulate, in time, silvery soft, gentler, take time, close to the keys.... A wavy line in front of a chord means to play the notes one after another beginning at the bottom (quickly in order). A rolled chord is a type of broken chord. It's a chord whose notes are played quickly in order (one after another beginning at the bottom), as opposed to simultaneously; to give a chord a harp-like effect. Use second and fourth fingers on all broken thirds in the right hand. Lean your right hand to the right like this as you play so that the melodic line stands out. A thirty-second note lasts half as long as a sixteenth note and twice as long as a sixty-fourth. Your fingertip should be on the key. When your fingernails (nails) are too long, you need to clip (trim/cut) them, otherwise it affects your playing. Your thumb is your first finger. Your index finger is your second finger and so on. Try to play these ascending notes. Your turn (Try it). Play slowly, one by one. Now, try to play these descending notes. Try to play hands together slowly. Release (Lift your second finger) your second finger (this note/this chord/D) before you play the next note (E). I prefer payment in blocks. You can pay monthly or for four lessons at a time. For this month, it's okay to pay on a lesson-by-lesson basis because maybe you wanna see what it's like to have lessons. From next month onward, you can pay monthly. Students of all standards are welcome. I'm also an accompanist who accompanies singers and instrumentalists for live performances, exams and auditions.
2021-04-22 17:13:34
Receive(win/attract/be greeted with) high critical (widespread/great/international/public/popular) acclaim in the press/media (by the media).
2021-04-22 23:03:05
Tony is one of Hong Kong’s renowned and highly competitive piano teachers. He is popularized by many things such as his educational background, teaching skills, and success rate. Highly acclaimed by the press for his virtuoso technique and exquisite tone color, Tony gained his Master's at XX, studying under Japanese pianist and.... In addition to his decades of amazing teaching experiences, he also obtained many certification with distinctions from the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music or ABRSM.

Tony's passion in teaching manifests in his patience during his lessons, in the relentless attempts in developing the techniques in his students.

Examples of his teaching successes:

Grade 8 passed with distinction etc etc.

To all Tony's current and future students.
Tony believes that learning piano at a young age (ages between 4 to 7) is beneficial for children. This allows them develop valuable piano playing techniques at a young age as well as an appreciation for music and the arts.

For Adults/Teenager students. He believes that it is never too late to learn Piano/Music but he does need commitment from his students in order to achieve greater heights in their music learning journey.
Adult students who succeeded under his coaching have showed they have strong desire to improve and learn.

No rocket science. Let me know if more help is required. Glad to be involved.
2021-04-23 22:25:49
A lot of students have been using their phones very successfully.

I would make it all in the present tense so something like: “..." Do you have any quotes you can include too?

Yes, otherwise it might sound like you have stopped performing!!!

Don’t think you need concert halls as that should be obvious.
2021-04-24 15:38:13
I would just put "Member of".
2021-04-25 22:10:25
Location: home visits or in a studio
2021-04-26 21:43:22
Over the past few years, I've given several concerts, widely/highly critically acclaimed by many newspapers/the art critics/the critics/the press as well as my colleagues and teachers in/within the music profession.

Over the past few years, I've given several concerts which have been widely critically acclaimed by the press....

...which have been/made/become front-page news

I made (myself) front-page news

...which have been highly acclaimed on the front page of many newspapers.

Vince Carter (an internationally acclaimed slam dunker) is (was/has been widely acclaimed by the critics as....)universally/widely/publicly acclaimed as America's greatest slam dunker/one of the greatest slam dunkers of his generation/time.

...acclaimed for his contribution to the All-Star slam dunk competition.

a highly/widely acclaimed performance/concert

...acclaimed (/is known for)for his virtuoso technique, tone color (tone quality/timbre/color), vast repertoire, the depth of his interpretation as well as his contribution to the cultural exchange between Hong Kong and Japan through music.

There was/I had an attendance of over one thousand people per/each concert.

My last several concerts had attendances of more than one thousand people.

Attendance at the concert was nearly one thousand five hundred.

Over one thousand people were in attendance at my last few concerts.

I got/had pretty good/great attendance despite the bad weather.

Attendance at the concert/meeting/festival/event was (a bit) thin/low

There was an unusually low/thin attendance at the concert.

Over one thousand people attended each of my last few concerts.
2021-04-29 17:57:30
English on reverse.
2021-04-29 18:09:06
You don’t need etc as you wrote “including”.

“Tony’s passion for teaching manifests in his patient approach and his constant pursuit of technical and musical understanding.”

I think the rest is good.
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