能力所限,我加咗幾行處理驗證碼 (autohotkey)
如果無入錯嘢,每次執行個script可以交50次 ($1.01+1.02+.. +1.50 = 62.75)

;五大訴求, 缺一不可
;Five demands, not one less
;Change the following 5 setting
PageWaitSec := 1500 ;Time to wait between switching pages, 3000 is 3 sec
SendWaitSec := 3000 ;Time to wait after pressing the PAY button to confirm the payment, 8000 is 8 sec
BillRowToPay := 3 ;If the bill you want to pay is on row 1 in the pps website. Set this to 1. If it is in row 10, change it to 10. etc...
AmountToPay := 1.01
NumTimeToPay := 50
;Pause for 5 sec to switch to the correct browser windows
Sleep, 5000
Loop, %NumTimeToPay% {
;Tab pass the PPS header
Click 100,100 ;click the logo to get ready to tab
Send {Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab} ;This would go pass all the header button
;Tab to the correct row of the bill
Loop, %BillRowToPay% {
Send {Tab}
Send {Enter} ;select the correct bill to pay
Sleep, %PageWaitSec%
;Set the amount to pay for each transaction and wait for next page to load
;Tab pass the PPS header
;Click 50,50 ;交稅時請將開頭個「;」del,水費/ 差餉唔駛改
;Send {Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab} ;交稅時請將開頭個「;」del,水費/ 差餉唔駛改
;Send {Down}{Tab} 交稅時請將開頭個「;」del,水費/ 差餉唔駛改
Send %AmountToPay%{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}
Send {Enter}
; Message box to hold for captcha
; 輸入驗證碼並按繼續進行, 才回來按 OK
if (Mod(A_Index, 10) = 0) {
; MsgBox, 0,, %A_Index%: 輸入 captcha 驗證碼並按繼續進行才回來按 OK, 600
MsgBox, 0,, %A_Index%: enter captcha and click Proceed before this OK button, 600
Sleep, %PageWaitSec%
;Confirm Payment
Send {Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Enter} ;This would goes to the PAY button and clikc it
Sleep, %SendWaitSec%
AmountToPay += 0.01
AmountToPay := Round(AmountToPay, 2)
;Go back to the top to start over
Send {Tab}{Enter} ;Go back to the pay Bill tab and start all over
Sleep, %PageWaitSec%
; End