Personal financial planning份report唔知要點做
Personal Financial Plan : 10-Year Action Plan
While you are studying the associate degree at the Community College of City University, the personal financial planning course can help you develop a 10-year action plan to achieve your financial and non-financial goals.
Your 10-Year Action Plan should include :
1) Continuing education from associate degree to undergraduate degree;
2) Investment in stocks;
3) Investment in funds;
4) Housing Decision (Buying or Renting);
5) Others.
In your report, you should describe how and what specific actions you may take to achieve your goals to continue your education from associate degree to undergraduate degree, and then start to save money to invest (in stocks and/or in funds) so that you can achieve other goals after 10 years. Housing decision is one of the important components in your 10-year action plan but, given the high price in housing nowadays, you may postpone your home purchase decision beyond this 10-year action plan, provided you have strong justifications specified in the report. You must apply the knowledge and skills you learnt from this course for this report.