全部國際文宣既方向完全錯哂 外國睇完根本唔會有行動

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2019-08-23 02:09:44
Chinazi = 癡拿線啫
2019-08-23 02:13:35
2019-08-23 02:15:50
2019-08-23 02:16:52
2019-08-23 03:17:38
巴打 我地要靠外國架
冇左外國口頭上支持制衡中國既話 我地同新疆冇分別
2019-08-23 03:33:36
有point呀 師兄。好多時外國有事,有大規模抗議,我哋都唔會理。要燒到入肉先會concern。
2019-08-23 03:36:21
2019-08-23 03:43:04
2019-08-23 03:55:25
2019-08-23 03:55:55
Digital age 速食文化
2019-08-23 10:12:45
其中一張換左小小內容(加左今蕉youtube ban五毛)

2019-08-23 10:53:17
2019-08-23 11:01:00
Dear free world,

HK people are fighting for freedom, democracy and autonomy, not just ours but also yours.

As you may know, the protest in Hong Kong reached the 11th weeks without any sign of cooling down, youth in Hong Kong have written their testaments before peaceful protest and are prepared to be killed by the brutal police of Hong Kong. They are prepared to use their lives to wake the free world up, to make the free world understand one inconvenient truth: Chines Communist Party (“CCP”) the authoritarian government is initiating a New Cold War against the free world.

You might thought: it is just China’s local business, not ours! But you are wrong, CCP is attempting to use money to buy up influences among nations, mute their voices against CCP, so that CCP can exploit the international rules to do its bidding. Hong Kong is just the front line of the struggle, and the example when the fight was lose out of your indifference.

Take Australia as an example, in the book “Silent Invasion: China's Influence in Australia” by Clive Hamilton, it is revealed that wealthy Chinese businessmen linked to CCP had become the largest donors to both major Australian political parties. CCP is trying to buy up your local politicians so that they can spread their corrupted way to your country and turn your politician system into their pawns.

In Siri Lanka, under the Belt and Road Initiative, the local corrupted politicians controlled the nation to borrow money from China with high interest rate to build a port which is of no benefit to the local populations, then as the Siri Lanka Government failed to repay the debt (as expected), Siri Lanka has to handing over the port to China.

There are just too many examples to list out, to name just a few more:
1. Huawei, Xiaomei and other Chinese based phone companies have backdoors in their phone and send your personal information to China, so that they can exploit them to threaten key personale in your country to kneel;
2. The management of Cathy Pacific and HSBC were forced to resign, as they failed to suppress the voice of their staffs in the movement, and they are now inserting their pawns to these British owned companies to cleanse the supporters of the movement. Just as we speak, some staffs have been fired only because they showed support to the movement in facebook. Buying up the shares of your company, then force your company to do their bidding, mute the voice of people through their jobs, this is the classic CCP way of infiltration;
3. The Chinese consulates and Confucius Institutes have been well known to be spy bases to organize Chinese people to disrupt any protests in your countries, send death threats and assault people who does not support CCP.
4. CCP through “1,000 Talents Plan” attempted to steal advanced technologies by bribing the researchers.
5. CCP have been caught buying twitter accounts and facebook accounts to spread fake news in an organized and massive way.
2019-08-23 11:01:14
From the above, you would have no difficulty in seeing that, as an authoritarian regime, the thing it fear most is to let its subject knows what freedom, democracy and autonomy truly means. Thus in order to protect its ruling, it will instinctively attempt to subvert and compromise your countries’ political system, until the word freedom, democracy and autonomy becomes a distant tale and your country becomes its subject.

In short, it is a new cold war, if you don’t fight, you will be beaten and defeated and fallen into CCP’s subjects.

You may ask, “what can I do? I am not in Hong Kong and I have no stake in Hong Kong!” You are correct, but you have your vote in your country, you can write to your local politician to tell that to beware of the Chinese’s plot, impose strict control to Chinese spying activities and restrict CCP funded buy-out to important companies, if they turn a blind eye to it or were even compromised, you can vote them out!

You can also stop buying Chinese products, every penny you spent to the Chinese products are used to fund the authoritarian regime, helping it to build concentration camp for the Muslims in XianJian, to fund its Surveillance project and the black-mirror style Social Credit System, to fund the weapon which may well be used against you and your next generations.

You can also support your countries’ politicians to impose sanctions to those individuals and their families who disregard human rights and force CCP to obey international trade and human right rules. You can stop your countries from selling weapons to Hong Kong and China which is used to toxify, wound and kill the youths.

Freedom is not free, your grandparents well understand this and fought against the Nazi regime and the Soviet regime with blood. You don’t need to bleed as your ancestors did, you just need to use your votes and money to tell your country to do the right thing, to stop the authoritarian China from growing to a size which is too big to be fought.

It is not just a fight for Hong Kong people, but also your fight. Join this fight when it is still a easy fight so that your next generation doesn’t have to fight with blood.
2019-08-23 11:01:24
2019-08-23 15:32:00


Did you know that China is the new Nazi?
Emperor Xi is the new #xitler. The west needs to stop him.
Big Brother Xi is watching you. Doing business with ChiNazi comes with consequences.
Boycott China now.

2019-08-26 04:39:35
2019-08-26 11:10:43
2019-08-27 00:51:28
2019-08-27 12:14:50

2019-08-28 13:53:01
2019-08-28 14:02:06
2019-08-28 19:33:28
2019-08-29 18:48:47
今晚各位要小心 要有少少保護自己既工具
[防具篇] 家庭用品防狼工具
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
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