全部國際文宣既方向完全錯哂 外國睇完根本唔會有行動

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2019-08-21 22:05:12
2019-08-21 22:05:19
2019-08-21 22:05:56
華為都要講啦,5g 用佢就比佢地滲透睇下連FB twitter 都滲透到要出黎做野,5g冇得唔驚啦掛
2019-08-21 22:06:27
2019-08-21 22:06:35
2019-08-21 22:07:02
2019-08-21 22:09:26
2019-08-21 22:10:04
2019-08-21 22:13:01
2019-08-21 22:13:14
721 811
2019-08-21 22:13:24
2019-08-21 22:13:32
2019-08-21 22:14:58
721 811
2019-08-21 22:15:18
2019-08-21 22:17:47
2019-08-21 22:17:48
2019-08-21 22:18:25
2019-08-21 22:19:14
真正 輸。出。革。命
2019-08-21 22:19:34
2019-08-21 22:21:46
Template for writing to foreign parliamentary representative:

Dear sir/madam,

I write to draw your attention to the situation in Hong Kong, and ask for your support in sanctioning human rights violators here, and prohibit the sale of any crowd control items/weapons to the city.

Since June this year Hong Kong police indiscriminately fire tear gas, rubber bullets, bean bag shots at protestors, civilians, journalists and paramedics alike.

From June to August 2019, within just three months:

The police fired tear gas inside indoor subway stations.

The police fired tear gas in housing estates and into elderly homes. Tens of thousands of civilians including babies, children, elderly, pregnant women, journalists were injured by tear gas.

Dozens of people were injured by rubber bullets or bean bag shots. A first aider and a teacher have lost their eyes.

The PRC government breached the Sino British Joint Declaration by mixing Chinese personnel into the Hong Kong police force to attack us. It also sent triad gangsters to indiscriminately attack civilians on streets and in train stations. On 21 July hundreds of triad gangsters indiscriminately beat up civilians on streets, in train stations and inside the trains in Yuen Long. A pregnant woman got beaten up with no mercy. On 11 August, Chinese government sent gangsters from China to attack civilians with knives on streets in North Point.

We now live in Hong Kong. How will you protect us? Will you support sanctions against such human rights violators under the Global Magnitsky Act (or under its local equivalent), to deny their visas and freeze their assets? Will you support measures to prohibit the sale of crowd control items /weapons to Hong Kong?

Best wishes,
2019-08-21 22:24:06
2019-08-21 22:25:22
2019-08-21 22:25:27

People need to know exactly what to do against #chinazi
2019-08-21 22:26:40
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞