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2019-06-17 22:38:18
2019-06-17 22:51:45
2019-06-17 22:59:04
2019-06-17 23:01:15
2019-06-17 23:07:09
2019-06-17 23:13:05
2019-06-17 23:17:40
Brother, you have scary nightmare
My dream similar to yours. I heard the host( Civil Human Rights Front) at stage saying Hongkongers not fight against Hongkongers & police please claim down. Suddenly a tear gas bomb right on the stage. Meanwhile, we heard lots of tear gas fired outside LECO ( Legislative Council) & Fenwick pier. The police block 2 end of the road & push the protesters to Citic Tower. They push the people all squeeze together but still fire tear gas to the people. The protester’s eyes, mouth & nose all burnt by the tear gas. They can’t open their eyes & knock the door ask the security guard open the door to let them in. The son of a bxxch security guard hold the door tight & not let us get in. It’s scary. The spinning door in middle can’t move because people push both side. I am so scare the door glass with break & people is too panic to step on each other. Lucky a strong dude clear one side people then the protester can get in the building one by one. Some protesters go upstair to spare more space to let all the protester get in

2019-06-17 23:18:08
2019-06-17 23:18:14
2019-06-17 23:19:02
2019-06-17 23:21:02
The protesters comments in the chat group

I’m there when it happen. We are in middle of 2 teams of police & they both fire tear gas at same time. We all push back in middle. A MP( congressman) use a speaker to ask the police stop to push us & behave themselves, however, they still fire tear gas. It’s chaos. We all squeeze together even can’t pull out my hand to take video or photo. We only 10 steps apart from them. We are all back up crew with very limit “gear” to protect ourselves. The girl next to me crying & said “ I should listen to my mom don’t come over” I will remember this scene until the end of my life

Ching 唔知你睇唔睇到呢個留言第一段
2019-06-17 23:21:49
2019-06-17 23:22:22

有冇巴打cap片 同再加指示解說
2019-06-17 23:23:05
2019-06-17 23:23:43
2019-06-17 23:24:00
請盡快back up,

2019-06-17 23:24:25
有d地方我改一改再send 上黎睇睇
2019-06-17 23:24:54
2019-06-17 23:25:19
2019-06-17 23:27:36
明明罷工集會 做乜變成咁
2019-06-17 23:49:34
2019-06-17 23:54:49
It’s horrify. Feel like shooting Zombie movie.
All so scary & move to the stage ( entrance of Citic Tower) but the security guy in Citic tower hold the foot tight not let us get in. The spinning door can’t spin. Everyone is hitting the glass. Luckily someone point out other way to get in, otherwise, someone will die by out of breath or step on each other.

At that moment I not only see how insane the black dog (riot police) is but also how naive the host( Civil Human Rights Front)are. They keep saying here(the stage) is sage when the police already fire tear gas at the end of road. The next second a tear gas bomb flying to the stage. This nightmare is fxxking scary

Right. I dream everyone screaming “open the door”. I will remember all my life

True. Absolutely feel the hostility from black dog(riot police). A real hate. Looking like you are their enemy & force you to have tear gas. The main point is they turn a peaceful place to hell. I will never forget someone stand up to vomit, someone sit down & cry with their hands cover their eyes. Feels like they attached by biochemical weapon.

But most impacts .... after i go through all these & back to ground. I heard they said” let’s go forward! Don’t leave! Then they take the umbrella walk to front line even tears still in their eyes. I am totally shocked.

2019-06-17 23:58:07
我唔睇啦,相信我翻譯埋最後一段就會陣亡...年紀大頂唔住啦。辛苦晒啦Ching. 第一次做翻譯,可能唔係咁好
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