有埋eu passport既人想一齊襯brexit前去uk


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HKG3 2018-02-01 02:30:34
As a student, you will need to fill in the EEA (QP) form and send it back to the Home Office. You cannot apply online.

The fee is £65.

HKG3 2018-02-01 02:31:40
但我而家拎住tier4,之後等有passport,再入境... 基本上使唔使cancel tier4或者搞咩額外手續?因為拎住個幾年既tier4再用歐盟passport free movement入境咁樣overlap左會唔會唔畀?- best to ask people in the forum below -

HKG3 2018-02-01 02:35:01
巴打諗成點,抑或brexit後用passaporte移民ireland再用common travel area住dublin/london? 哩招work唔work? - should work, but you will "waste" at lease 5 years of your life in Ireland!


3. Application based on residence for UK, EU/EEA & Swiss nationals

To apply for citizenship by naturalisation based on residence, you must prove that you have been resident in the State for at least 5 years (1825 or 1826 days) out of the last 9 years

This includes 1 year (365 or 366 days) of continuous residence immediately before the date you apply.
我愛英倫洋腸 2018-02-01 04:44:20
HKG3 2018-02-01 05:15:06
In a way, it is a bit easier to either register (for BN(O) passport holders only) or naturalise to become a British Citizen. You can be away from the UK for up to 90 days in the last year - unlike Ireland where you need to stay in Ireland for the full year before you apply.
HKG3 2018-02-01 05:18:53
EEA citizens wishing to remain in the UK should do it before Brexit in 2019 and apply for a registration certificate from the Home Office.

擼擼羞 2018-02-01 13:08:46
因為我黎緊會exchange 所以我諗遲少少先諗好
我無睇ireland啲條件 我等陣爬下
HKG3 2018-02-02 02:26:27
I do not know the way for bno passport holder to become a bc that you mentioned - you can get British Citizen as long as you have Indefinite Leave to Remain (non EEA nationals) or permanent residence (EEA nationals) in the UK.

For BN(O) holders, the most difficult thing is to get Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR). You can get ILR using the following ways -

1) Service in the British Armed Forces (4 years)
2) Spouse visa (5 years)
3) Tier 2 (General) (5 years)
4) Long residence (10 years of legal residence in the UK - including student visa)

Once a BN(O) passport holder has ILR, he can apply for British Citizenship using form B(OTA), which is a cheaper way than naturalisation.
HKG3 2018-02-02 02:27:40
You can apply for an EEA registration certificate using your national ID card (if you have one)!
擼擼羞 2018-02-02 21:01:35
HKG3 2018-02-02 21:28:56
Sorry for not being clear in my first reply. What I meant was that you can use your EEA national ID card (for example a German ID card) to apply for a registration certificate with the Home Office.
HKG3 2018-02-02 21:30:12
AFAIK - Long residence - you are not allow to be outside of the UK for more than 540 days in the 10 years.
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