美股 AlgoTrading,每日收市前 15分鐘交易紀錄


502 回覆
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マキマキ 2025-02-27 19:46:34

托賴 43.6 😅
マキマキ 2025-02-27 19:48:24
我就每個盤都會 set stop-loss.
マキマキ 2025-02-27 19:49:02
暫時最大 7.x %
泰國 2025-02-27 23:24:50
CapaCitor 2025-02-28 00:49:39
マキマキ 2025-02-28 10:08:01
[27 Feb 2025]

#BA change stoploss to $179.91
#CMC change stoploss to $50.73
#FDX change stoploss to $252.41
#GD change stoploss to $247.39
#HON change stoploss to $209.44
#HPQ change stoploss to $34.26
#TXN change stoploss to $200.63
#U change stoploss to $27.55
#UNH change stoploss to $457.02
short #AAPL at $238.29 and stoploss at $245.14
short #HSY at $172.31 and stoploss at $174.93
short #KDP at $33.81 and stoploss at $34.26
short #VZ at $43.18 and stoploss at $43.76

Total Number of open positions: 16
short - AAPL P&L: -0.01%
short - ABNB P&L: 10.85%
short - BA P&L: 3.57%
short - CMC P&L: 2.91%
long - EL P&L: 3.62%
long - FDX P&L: 1.35%
long - GD P&L: 3.30%
long - HON P&L: 0.84%
short - HPQ P&L: 1.20%
short - HSY P&L: -0.13%
short - KDP P&L: 0.09%
short - TXN P&L: 4.06%
short - U P&L: -1.44%
long - UNH P&L: 0.29%
short - VZ P&L: 0.01%
short - WFC P&L: 2.93%
Daily Portfolio P&L% = 0.89%

マキマキ 2025-02-28 10:10:06
sorry 打錯字。係留得返啲本金先啱。

マキマキ 2025-02-28 10:19:21
整呢個 auto trade 出來,就係想俾自己多啲時間,成日睇住,好鬼大壓力,同時真係睇唔到咁多隻股票(120 now),加埋會受當時情緒影響判斷,人生最多係睇 6 隻 mon,真係好撚痛苦。
Qp67 2025-02-28 11:46:13
マキマキ 2025-02-28 15:18:38
咁啱個市就啫。同已前有 trade 開,所以可能多些小 information.

您係用咩方法去做判斷,落唔落個 trade? 介唔介意講出來,大家研究下 😊
Qp67 2025-02-28 15:55:44
用Machine learning 去預測嗰日升定跌,再決定long short。其實都唔知得唔得,都係鳩試,可能over fitting唔出奇。
CR1MSON 2025-02-28 16:02:01
你d數據係唔係睇每分鐘定 每日 每個星期定係每個月? 黎決定買賣
マキマキ 2025-03-01 06:44:02
搵個 paper 倉試下行先。只做單邊,唔 hedge 就會有啲風險。

マキマキ 2025-03-01 06:47:17
日線,做 swing 唔駛睇咁密。嚮 yfinance 攞。有訊號就買/賣或平倉,再 SET stoploss 防止爆倉。
マキマキ 2025-03-01 06:51:13
參考一下,諗下點解升或跌,然後咩令佢升同跌。可能對您設計有啲幫助。預祝您成功 🙏
金色貼紙人 2025-03-01 08:43:49
樓主依家都係用緊bollinger band作為策略重心?
依家仲未寫好個bot放上alpaca 試
Qp67 2025-03-01 10:13:07
多謝師兄,請教一下,你pool 入面嘅股票用咩條件放入去?
マキマキ 2025-03-01 12:33:35
[28 Feb 2025]

#AAPL change stoploss to $242.57
#ABNB change stoploss to $142.59
#BA change stoploss to $179.0
#CMC change stoploss to $50.26
#FDX change stoploss to $255.06
#GD change stoploss to $247.54
#HPQ change stoploss to $31.7
#KDP change stoploss to $34.61
#TXN change stoploss to $198.51

Total Number of open positions: 13
short - AAPL P&L: -0.66%
short - ABNB P&L: 11.85%
short - BA P&L: 3.68%
short - CMC P&L: 4.54%
long - FDX P&L: 2.00%
long - GD P&L: 3.03%
long - HON P&L: 0.85%
short - HPQ P&L: 9.45%
short - KDP P&L: 0.74%
short - TXN P&L: 2.48%
short - U P&L: 1.68%
long - UNH P&L: 0.40%
short - WFC P&L: 1.07%
Daily Portfolio P&L% = 0.91%

マキマキ 2025-03-01 12:34:11
マキマキ 2025-03-01 12:35:24
mean reversion.
マキマキ 2025-03-01 12:37:11

金色貼紙人 2025-03-01 12:40:36
香港觀察 2025-03-01 14:31:08

玩algo係咪都係買槓桿股? tqqq soxl 嗰啲,波動大先可以透有明確嘅signal做trading
w44 2025-03-01 14:48:53
連登邊係討論區, 動物園+精神病院

話緊你啊, 白卡畜牲
維珍銀河修理員 2025-03-01 14:51:32
想問你係用咩平台做 定 自己python駁劵商?
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞