美股 AlgoTrading,每日收市前 15分鐘交易紀錄


502 回覆
173 Like 61 Dislike
泰國 2025-02-25 14:29:14
隨圖附送大JJ 2025-02-25 21:35:39
你地ib gateway唔會auto logout同每日restart?

之前build左個trading bot, 零coding知識但卡左係ib香港會restart同logout
酒呀!酒呀! 2025-02-25 21:39:07
Dell滑鼠 2025-02-25 22:09:42
個Logic 會日日update?
マキマキ 2025-02-26 08:13:52
感謝 🙏
マキマキ 2025-02-26 08:17:04
我用 ib gateway, 用到忟,唔知咩問題,會突然 hang 機,之後轉左用 alpaca,唔知有冇高手可以指導下 🙏
マキマキ 2025-02-26 08:19:33
無 update logic, 每 4 月會睇下成積表,將啲贏面唔夠嘅 股票 換走
マキマキ 2025-02-26 08:22:46
謝謝。您要睇清楚啲 stoploss 位喎。
保本係最重要。有問題一定要 壯事斷臂
マキマキ 2025-02-26 08:27:03
[25 Feb 2025]

#ABNB change stoploss to $147.63
#BA change stoploss to $184.62
#CMC change stoploss to $51.57
#CVS change stoploss to $64.92
#EL change stoploss to $71.96
#GD change stoploss to $244.21
#HON change stoploss to $208.78
#MU change stoploss to $98.23
#NKE change stoploss to $78.98
#WFC change stoploss to $78.88
short #BABA at $133.26 and stoploss at $137.09
long #FDX at $255.88 and stoploss at $250.42
short #TXN at $200.14 and stoploss at $205.1
short #U at $25.61 and stoploss at $27.94
long #UNH at $469.28 and stoploss at $441.95

Total Number of open positions: 16
short - ABNB P&L: 9.93%
short - BA P&L: 1.57%
short - BABA P&L: -0.08%
short - CMC P&L: 0.44%
short - CVS P&L: 0.10%
long - EL P&L: 5.36%
long - FDX P&L: -0.01%
long - GD P&L: 1.99%
long - HON P&L: 0.37%
long - LVS P&L: 5.44%
short - MU P&L: 9.29%
long - NKE P&L: 14.27%
short - TXN P&L: -0.04%
short - U P&L: 0.08%
long - UNH P&L: -0.01%
short - WFC P&L: 3.32%
Daily Portfolio P&L% = 0.74%

隨圖附送大JJ 2025-02-26 08:57:02
Ib gateway都會auto logout and required reboot
隨圖附送大JJ 2025-02-26 08:58:40
マキマキ 2025-02-26 12:10:59
可能係做一lot 股票嘅關係,將啲風險分散,再用 long short 同 market 對沖,減少左啲 beta, 做到相對穩定。

不過,呢個 approach, 都唔可能 100% 無風險。遇到啲肥手指都會受影響,但希望咁做可以穩定啲。

感謝 🙏
蝴蝶(已悔改2.0) 2025-02-26 12:14:11
每lot 買幾多倉位?
打飛機工程師 2025-02-26 13:55:42
マキマキ 2025-02-26 19:32:51
12000 - 18000。
神姬優一 2025-02-26 19:40:06
但auto logout好似真係冇得搞
隨圖附送大JJ 2025-02-26 20:43:52
蝴蝶(已悔改2.0) 2025-02-26 21:10:10
個algo 識自己adjust 定要人手日日改?
マキマキ 2025-02-26 22:22:52
人手改。每次轉 股票 嘅時候改
マキマキ 2025-02-27 09:13:48
[26 Feb 2025]

#ABNB change stoploss to $147.57
#BA change stoploss to $182.28
#FDX change stoploss to $250.17
#GD change stoploss to $245.43
#TXN change stoploss to $202.5
#U change stoploss to $28.45
#UNH change stoploss to $450.1
#WFC change stoploss to $78.61
short #HPQ at $33.78 and stoploss at $34.43

Total Number of open positions: 15
short - ABNB P&L: 8.47%
short - BA P&L: 3.94%
short - CMC P&L: 1.15%
short - CVS P&L: -0.54%
long - EL P&L: 3.92%
long - FDX P&L: -0.41%
long - GD P&L: 2.13%
long - HON P&L: 0.34%
short - HPQ P&L: -0.01%
long - LVS P&L: 4.17%
long - NKE P&L: 13.99%
short - TXN P&L: 0.92%
short - U P&L: -3.69%
long - UNH P&L: -1.34%
short - WFC P&L: 2.88%
Daily Portfolio P&L% = -0.47%

日供QQQ5 2025-02-27 13:13:55
蝴蝶(已悔改2.0) 2025-02-27 13:31:29
drawdown 先見真章
走塑環保吹 2025-02-27 14:13:01
琅人 2025-02-27 17:43:03
芒椰奶西米露出 2025-02-27 17:46:36
黎緊想係futu build algo
宜家已經backtest 左, 用 1 minute candlestick, traded volume, sma
寫實盤係咪會複雜好多, 有咩忠告比細佬
in case algo invalid, 有咩emergenecy plan

吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞