中國外交部「好自為之」官方譯文 : "I hope you will act accordingly"

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2025-01-25 19:26:00
如果我譯好自為之就會譯成 you better watch out ⚠️
2025-01-25 19:27:22
2025-01-25 19:30:55

2025-01-25 19:31:29
go eat yourself
2025-01-25 19:32:13
Good self do that
2025-01-25 19:32:37


2025-01-25 19:33:16
2025-01-25 19:33:56
2025-01-25 19:37:13

2025-01-25 19:37:47
I hope this statement finds you well
2025-01-25 19:37:56
2025-01-25 19:40:21
2025-01-25 19:40:23
"好自為之" 的英文翻譯有幾種表達方式,取決於具體語境。以下是一些常見的翻譯:

1. Take care of yourself

2. Look after yourself

3. Behave yourself

4. Be careful

5. Take heed

6. Mind your own business

這個短語通常用來提醒或警告某人要小心謹慎,照顧好自己,或者要注意自己的行為。具體使用哪種翻譯,要根據說話的場合和語氣來決定。例如,如果是友好的提醒,可能會用 "Take care of yourself";如果是警告的語氣,可能會用 "Behave yourself" 或 "Mind your own business"。
2025-01-25 19:42:25
take good care of your own shit

mind your own fucking business
2025-01-25 19:44:25
2025-01-25 19:47:22
2025-01-25 19:51:22
2025-01-25 19:54:58
2025-01-25 19:55:54
i am commanding you better do it yourself, or else.

2025-01-25 19:57:31
U better behave, mister!
2025-01-25 19:57:32
好自為之 都係用嚟打飛機咋嘛
2025-01-25 19:59:57
2025-01-25 20:01:20
我唔識,但「好自為之」應該比 Behave yourself 更加有攻擊性
2025-01-25 20:02:17
2025-01-25 20:05:01
fyi, 美國版本係完全冇提到, 反而幾寸,
Secretary of State Marco Rubio spoke today with China’s Director of the CCP Central Foreign Affairs Commission and Foreign Minister Wang Yi. Secretary Rubio emphasized that the Trump Administration will pursue a U.S.-PRC relationship that advances U.S. interests and puts the American people first. The Secretary also stressed the United States’ commitment to our allies in the region and serious concern over China’s coercive actions against Taiwan and in the South China Sea. The Secretary also discussed other issues of bilateral, regional, and global importance with his Chinese counterpart.

同一日同越南都通過電話, 曾經打過仗, 但友善好多
Secretary of State Marco Rubio spoke today with Vietnam Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son. Both officials celebrated the 30th anniversary of U.S.-Vietnam relations and the progress made under the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. The Secretary also discussed regional concerns to include China’s aggressive behavior in the South China Sea. While praising our economic cooperation, the Secretary encouraged Vietnam to address trade imbalances. The Secretary also wished Foreign Minister Son a Happy Tet and a prosperous new year.
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