路透社對「好自為之」的譯法比較「嚴肅」,又不想丟掉「好自為之」在中文中的警告色彩:「I hope you would conduct yourself well and play a constructive role in the future of the Chinese and American people and in world peace and stability. 」
中國稍後發出的官方譯文其實還沒路透社有這麼「衝」:「... I hope you will act accordingly and... (字面意思「我希望您能採取相應的行動 」——中國外交部英文官網)」、「Wang expressed his hope that Rubio would make the right decisions and ...(字面意思「王希望魯比奧作出正確的決定」——新華社英文網)」
最有意思的譯法來自美國《新聞周刊》譯成:「I hope you will take good care of yourself and play a constructive role for the future of the Chinese and American peoples and for world peace and stability.」字面意思是:「希望您保重身體,為中美兩國人民的未來,為世界的和平與穩定發揮建設性的作用。」
「take good care of yourself」聽上去有點「溫暖」,好似朋友之間的問候,無論是語義還是語調都遠遠偏離了原文。
不過,筆者查「GOOGLE翻譯」,其真是將「好自為之」直接譯成了「Take care of yourself」。不知《新聞周刊》是否是參考了「GOOGLE翻譯」呢?!