[歐美H game]推介(12)


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赤色之瞳 2025-02-05 18:13:22
Leaving DNA更新
Mr.satan 2025-02-05 18:29:07
赤色之瞳 2025-02-05 19:27:16
SummerMcIntosh 2025-02-07 18:12:11
紋lVin 2025-02-09 19:52:16
赤色之瞳 2025-02-09 20:15:14
slow burn
extra好似係if 故事
車厘龜01 2025-02-11 00:01:19
Wvm如果有wild cat 一半樣就好都唔駛咁美型
車厘龜01 2025-02-11 00:01:34
赤色之瞳 2025-02-11 01:08:23
赤色之瞳 2025-02-11 02:15:20
twisted memories
Weekly development update
Alright, a very quick one because there is a lot going on today and I barely have a moment to be alone and do my porn game dev stuff.

I did quite a bit of writing but most of it I'll probably have to rewrite at some point before rendering. Still I think I somewhat found my way back into the flow of things but I'll have to see just how bad or good it all turned out when I go over it again.

Anyway, I kind of have a hard time setting my mind on the game stuff at this moment so I don't really know what to write right now. I actually planned to do a poll today but I'll push that one to next weeks dev update.
赤色之瞳 2025-02-13 23:41:00
Important Update: Changes to the Game’s Music

Hey everyone,

I wanted to take a moment to share an important update regarding Eternum’s soundtrack. Due to a licensing and guidelines issue with a music platform, we’ve had to remove all of its content from the game. Unfortunately, this means that a few of the tracks you’ve come to love will no longer be present.

However, thanks to the incredible effort of several community members, we’ve replaced those songs with other free alternatives and AI-generated pieces to try to maintain the game’s atmosphere. This wasn’t a choice we made willingly, but a necessary action to ensure the project can continue without complications.

Keep in mind that the new version 0.8.6 doesn't include any new content—the only change is the updated sound.

Resolving this issue temporarily paused development, but we’re now back on track and moving forward with 0.9 as planned.

I truly appreciate your understanding and support through this. I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but I hope you’ll continue to enjoy Eternum as we keep improving it.


赤色之瞳 2025-02-13 23:41:44
Maya's Mission更新
Turn-based 2025-02-18 17:20:51
早兩日追返phoenixes進度 要開新save嗰次就冇追

好穩定 穩定更新同穩定地一般
除咗cassy同anli兩條線係比較有意思之外其他都係千篇一律 玩到飛住睇字

隻game好在model靚 同面部表情整得好好
捕捉到對眼迷離嘅神態發姣怕醜會心微笑之類 一個scene有時有好多表情嘅細微變化
赤色之瞳 2025-02-18 23:20:45
Turn-based 2025-02-19 14:41:34
真 依家對elf姊妹同女主勁悶
不過唔係得佢有類似問題 一係臨尾先追到手然後就趕收工完 一係追到手就得返sex拖到尾
赤色之瞳 2025-02-19 14:56:52
印象中eternum,once in a lifetime算係得比較好果堆黎
石動惣一 2025-02-19 19:53:49
赤色之瞳 2025-02-19 21:17:52
可惜冇幾多有cat fight,多數後宮其實都係各玩各1v1好似完全唔知有第二條女咁
獨孤求助 2025-02-20 00:57:11
赤色之瞳 2025-02-20 02:46:13
twisted memories
Weekly development update
Alright, I had a bit of a health related situation last Sunday which is why that dev update was kind of rushed. I would have ignored it but it happened again on Tuesday so I got kind of forced to get it checked out. The good news is that everything seems to be fine, the bad news is that there wasn't that much progress regarding the game. Not even because I didn't have the time (I had more time than usual), but mostly because I had a hard time motivating myself to work on the game between all of it.

That said, I still got some writing done, namely most of the school scenes although I've barely written any of the variations yet. The whole school part of the update did turn out quite a bit longer than I had anticipated but I underestimated how much stuff needs to happen when I said that v0.10 would be a bit more compact. Still, its nowhere near v0.8 or v0.9 in terms of density yet and I highly doubt that it will be and after the school stuff a bigger chunk of the day will be skipped since it will mostly be the MC working in the potion shop.

Or at least, that's how I intended to do things initially as I did have a bit of an idea for some scenes with Emily, Alyvia and Mya while they wait for the MC. My only problem here, and even though we already had a few scenes without the MCs involvement, I'm not actually sure whether I want to do such a long part of the game completely without the MC. Accordingly I thought I would be a nice idea to see what you guys are thinking about it. For transparency sake though, this won't be a "I do what you vote me to do" kind of poll but instead more of an opinion poll. It could very well happen that I do the opposite of the polls result if I realize that its better that way.

Anyway, since I'm still at writing and there isn't that much to showcase here I'll do a outfit preview next week and maybe another outfit poll where the results are actually binding.

Opinion poll: How do you feel about longer segments of the game taking place without the MCs involvement (No lewdness between other characters of course)?
赤色之瞳 2025-02-20 02:49:11
cross realm

In the past week, after a few playtests, I've become dissatisfied with some parts of the Chap 3. Therefore, I’ve decided to re-render and improve certain scenes. As a result, the game has made little to no progress this week. This delay may even extend until the end of next week.
I apologize for make you all wait longer.
赤色之瞳 2025-02-20 20:02:36
Hey everyone, quick check in!
Things are going good, will be wrapping up this scene. Then I will be switching gears, inserting the renders into the code. Also adding the VFX to the renders that need them (i.e. Artemis' HUD during POV shots.). Then begin working on the last scene for this update.
There's is another crossover storyline that begins in this chapter and it is exclusive to Naomi's path. I like to blend crossovers into the story, using talent's those characters are known for and pair them with characters or story beats that complement each other in Artemis. For example, DJ Kink + Lexi, both musicians and throughout Book 1, we establish their friendship so when CH4 came, Lexi's inclusion had purpose to the events she participated in. Because originally, it was just going to be DJ Kink at the party. So, for those on Naomi's path. We get our first hint when you visit her and to officially be on her path, you have to had hung out with her in CH5.
Also, I forgot to address a question from the other week. Regarding the music for when the main menu changes. The music will change for this specific main menu, but will shift back to the main theme song when CH7 concludes on the next update. Additionally, once Chapter 6 is released. I'll be working on a getting the music room back online (Hopefully) as well as adding the option to switch out the current main menu to whichever one you prefer. Because as you progress, the main menu changes to reflect things going on in the game (Artemis descending to the workshop, her awakening and the next change after CH6 concludes, etc.). That'll be a separate patch post-release.
赤色之瞳 2025-02-20 20:04:16
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Work progress
1. Organizing the quests is taking longer than expected.
2. The rework of the Nora torture scene, which I mentioned last time, is now complete. I believe it will provide you with a truly special experience.
3. Music Player has been added!
You can now listen to in-game music and view track titles directly.
4. I'm working on smoothing out the content. For example, Bug fixes and there may be scenes with Agent17 Maid costume added.
Enjoy, and have a passionate Valentine’s Day!
赤色之瞳 2025-02-20 20:08:27
between humanity
Happy Valentines Day!

I hope you have a great one! Love and appreciation aren’t just for romance - it’s also about celebrating the connections we have with others, especially those two cuties in the image, heh.

I also want to take a quick moment to thank all of you for your support! Your enthusiasm and feedback mean the world, and I’m very grateful to have such an awesome community. Enjoy this little render I prepared, hope you like it!

Wishing you all a fantastic weekend! ❤
赤色之瞳 2025-02-20 21:39:13
News about the update
Hey everyone,

The finishing touches are nearly complete (I know—it took a little longer than expected), and I’m excited to announce that the update will be releasing on Patreon within the next 48 hours. Stay tuned !

Thank you all for your patience and support !
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