[歐美H game]推介(12)

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2025-01-30 12:36:37
想問有冇邊啲係畫質靚,但不是視覺小說形式嘅game 推介?而係比較多互動,3D的?

暫時我玩過最高質覺得係hero's journey + 最新一集under the gothic room

2025-01-30 14:02:16
2025-01-31 02:38:49
2025-02-01 05:36:21
Companion of Darkness更新
2025-02-01 10:08:19
邊隻corrupted memories,被del?
2025-02-01 10:33:35
corrupted hearts,發神經撈埋左第隻個名
2025-02-01 10:36:22
要down返ch9重玩最後黎transfer save過去ch10度
2025-02-02 01:14:41
2025-02-02 01:52:33
2025-02-02 01:56:23
希望趕得切救佢 唔想佢死

2姐妹睇住mc 3p
2025-02-02 23:00:31
Tune in to the Show更新
2025-02-03 00:08:27

Hello, everyone! This is HEXATAIL

During the development process, we realized that Nora’s torture scene wasn’t as engaging or immersive as we had hoped. Because of this, we’ve decided to rework the scene to enhance its impact.

In the previous version, Nora’s eyes were covered, which made it difficult for players to see her emotional expressions. As a result, the scene lost some of its intensity and engagement. To address this, we are making adjustments to ensure her emotions are clearly conveyed, allowing players to connect with the moment more deeply.

While this requires significant reworking of multiple scenes, we believe it is a necessary step to improve the overall quality of the game. We’re working hard to implement these changes as efficiently as possible without compromising on quality, and we’ll continue to keep our supporters updated throughout the process.

Thank you for your ongoing support and patience! We’re committed to delivering the best experience possible.
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