題目:Do not appease evil: Ukrainian public figures appeal to world leaders
結論:Evil cannot be appeased. It must be defeated and punished for the sake of a secure future of Ukraine, Europe, and the entire world.
so? 題目同結論都好撚清楚,烏克蘭有名有姓的人 (more than 160 persons, including human rights activists, MPs, diplomats, academics, famous artists, leaders of the largest business associations and various religious communities (Christian, Muslim and Jewish) 呼籲世界唔可以綏靖俄羅斯邪惡的行為
For Russia, such a freeze would primarily signal the weakness of the West and encourage further aggression and wars that spill the blood of Europeans and Americans.
是的,長官2025-01-09 13:54:04
題目:Do not appease evil: Ukrainian public figures appeal to world leaders
結論:Evil cannot be appeased. It must be defeated and punished for the sake of a secure future of Ukraine, Europe, and the entire world.