Q: It was mentioned previously that the team had listened to feedback regarding the last diner and was going to make improvements, could share what those improvements are?
A: Griffin “The team was incredibly happy with how Deadpool’s Diner went the first go-around so we didn’t want to change much of the core mode.
We made some UI changes, obviously the tables are now themed differently, matchmaking has been adjusted at higher tables, stuff like that.
We shared an infographic after the first time showcasing some pretty cool numbers.”
Q: You have stated the team is happy with Deadpool’s Diner, but a large amount of players are giving mainly negative feedback. How does that factor in to a mode you seem satisfied with?
A: Griffin “We’d push back on your assumption that sentiment around DD has been predominately negative. There are many different ways we can measure sentiment and satisfaction. Community hubs like here, Reddit, and social media platforms are one. Surveys are another. Data is another way you mentioned.
Players may prefer one game mode over another and that’s totally okay. Our goal is to make sure there’s something for everyone.
That said, if the sentiment and data changes, we’ll be listening!”