[I/A/PC] Marvel Snap 瞬戰超能(57) 鬥肝刷分活動

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2024-09-16 19:36:40
2024-09-16 19:55:12
2024-09-16 20:18:09
2024-09-16 20:20:07
我見3500金買到3000 token好似幾抵咁
2024-09-16 22:11:01
2024-09-16 23:09:31

2024-09-16 23:21:16
2024-09-16 23:21:55
我買左 之後終於抽到我想要既奧創
2024-09-17 02:26:09
2024-09-17 11:44:26
2024-09-17 11:55:05
2024-09-17 12:36:08
2024-09-17 14:08:42
2024-09-17 15:24:46
1. 明天會有大改版。

2. 官方說他們有在考慮把薩諾斯改成類似阿嘉莎那樣的起手效果,就是變成額外的一張起手牌,而不是像現在的快銀效果那樣吃掉一次抽牌機會。但是相對的可能也會需要移除一張或多張寶石的抽牌效果作為代價。

3. 官方說目前阿嘉莎的改變只是為了慶祝她的新影集,並不能算是最終定案。他們會視玩家對這個改變的反饋來考慮是否要回朔到以前的樣子。

4. 下下次的改版將可以讓阿里生成的卡牌共享到阿里本人的分裂特效。請注意是下下次,不是明天的改版,因為來不及。

5. 官方說他們仍在根據玩家的反饋對聯賽進行改進。
2024-09-17 20:46:51

岩岩買到 好得意
2024-09-17 23:03:48
# Patch Notes - September 17, 2024
**PLEASE NOTE:** If you haven’t updated your game yet, get the latest in the App Store!
## Activate more Activate!
* As previously announced, we’re updating two older cards to now feature the new Activate mechanic: Black Swan and Hellcow. The Balance section below will cover this in more detail.
* **Black Swan**
* [**Old**] 3/5 - **On Reveal:** Until the end of next turn, your 1-Cost cards cost 0.
* [**New**] 2/3 - **Activate:** Until the end of next turn, your 1-Cost cards cost 0.
* **Hellcow**
* [**Old**] 4/8 - **On Reveal:** Discard 2 cards from your hand.
* [**New**] 4/6 - **Activate:** Discard 2 cards from your hand.
* Changes to Gold offers:
* We're evolving our Gold bundles to bring you more frequent, balanced, and exciting deals on the Webshop.
* The current Bonus Double Gold offers will be phased out 30 days after this patch, so if you've been waiting to take advantage of these offers, now's the time!
* While we know these offers have been popular, they've also had unintended effects on the overall balance of the game's economy. That's why we're making this change to ensure a healthier economy moving forward.
* New players will no longer see these offers, but they'll have access to the new offers.
### Black Swan
* [**Old**] 3/5 - **On Reveal:** Until the end of next turn, your 1-Cost cards cost 0.
* [**New**] 2/3 - **Activate:** Until the end of next turn, your 1-Cost cards cost 0.
> *We revealed earlier that Black Swan and Hellcow would be changing to Activate as a bit of an experiment in seeing how the mechanic could be used to freshen up some older cards where On Reveal wasn't quite getting the job done. We didn't reveal that doing so would also come with some stat updates. Making an effect an Activate can be riskier, because it requires playing the card earlier in the game to time it properly. For Black Swan that's extra true, because playing Swan on turn 5 still won't be fast enough to get the Cost reduction–remember, Activate resolves with your other plays, so you can't activate for a same-turn Cost discount. So we're dropping the Cost to ensure more opportunities to get Black Swan into play.*
> *It's possible this update won't land Black Swan in a better position, and we're open to a reversion in that case. However, the risk seemed appropriate given Black Swan has been languishing on multiple metrics.*
### Hellcow
* [**Old**] 4/8 - **On Reveal:** Discard 2 cards from your hand.
* [**New**] 4/6 - **Activate:** Discard 2 cards from your hand.
> *So if we moved Black Swan down to 2-Cost, why are we shrinking Hellcow? Well, not all effects are created equal! Being able to time the discard on Hellcow makes it substantially stronger than the On Reveal in a couple of key ways, not the least of which is you can now curve Hellcow into MODOK without risking losing your MODOK. To reflect that shift in strength, we weakened Hellcow a little bit while we see how strong it proves to be.*
### Sword Master
* [**Old**] 3/7 - **On Reveal:** Discard a card from your hand.
* [**New**] 3/7 - **On Reveal:** Discard an odd-costed card from your hand.
> *Similar to how we updated Moon Knight, we've decided to create an alternate option with Sword Master. We did debate changing the stats–and yes, it does look weird that Moon Knight is a 3/3 and Sword Master is bigger. However, in addition to discarding an enemy card, Moon Knight just has more and stronger synergies: Apocalypse, Proxima Midnight, Stature, and even Wolverine. Sword Master has X-23, Ghost Rider, and maybe a different kind of Hela deck? Given the gap and our Sword Master decks not feeling too scary, we decided to wait and see rather than preemptively adjust the Power down.*


Discuss the changes here!: https://discord.com/channels/978545345715908668/1285615526487265351

2024-09-17 23:20:48
改咁少 姐係繼續war machine 天下
2024-09-17 23:51:19
1 cost 5 cost 位都可以換下唔同野試,其他野都定死
2024-09-18 01:03:51

快來拜訪我的《漫威:瞬戰超能》同盟!在同盟搜尋欄貼上:[HYD] 九頭蛇香港分部
2024-09-18 02:57:58

2024-09-18 04:19:24

2024-09-18 06:24:41
2024-09-18 07:14:06
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞