捕捉美國強勢股/ Momentum Style 80

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2024-07-05 09:25:32
溫提: 下星期四 六月CPI
2024-07-05 09:58:14
If you want to improve, each morning, ask: What can I do today to get me closer to my goal? In the evening before bed, ask: What did I learn that I can use tomorrow to move me closer to my goals?


When you feel like giving up, realize that at that very moment, you are at the same fork in the road that everyone eventually faces. If you quit, you are being just like every other coward who takes the easy way out and chooses to give up.
2024-07-05 10:48:03

見到有VCP同早幾日有institutional money in就會買入
2024-07-05 10:54:34
adr alternative

2024-07-05 11:19:12
2024-07-05 11:23:09
幣 Joy
2024-07-05 11:27:40
ADMA no comment

OLLI $100 century mark potential resistance

A volatility contraction pattern (VCP) is a chart pattern characterized by a series of smaller and tighter price ranges over time, indicating decreasing volatility before a potential breakout.

Key characteristics of a VCP include:

A series of lower highs and higher lows, creating a narrowing price range
Decreasing volume during the contraction period
A buildup of tension before a potential breakout in either direction
Looking at the provided charts:

Ollies Bargain Outlet Holdings (OLLI):
This chart doesn't clearly exhibit a VCP. The stock shows an overall uptrend with some consolidation periods, but there isn't a clear pattern of continuously narrowing price ranges leading up to the marked "buy here" point.
Halozyme Therapeutics (HALO):
This chart shows more characteristics of a VCP, especially in the period leading up to the sharp price increase in early June. There's a visible narrowing of price ranges from April through May, with relatively lower volume, followed by a breakout on higher volume.
While the HALO chart shows some VCP characteristics, it's not a textbook example. The OLLI chart doesn't really exhibit this pattern. To confidently identify a VCP, you'd typically want to see a more pronounced and consistent narrowing of price ranges over several weeks or months before a breakout.


Darvas 都係set buy stop order同stop loss
有時inside bar 個range細 (eg. <3%) 同唔得閒
我會set set buy stop order同stop loss

請自行判斷買賣決定 錢係你既
2024-07-05 12:29:21

2024-07-05 12:58:58
2024-07-05 13:21:41
2024-07-05 13:25:26
2024-07-05 14:12:02
等睇MSTR 穿1000
2024-07-05 16:03:42
2024-07-05 16:23:47
可能用啲 MA 線去 guide 住會好啲

OLLI 我都有放 watchlist
但你嘅 buy point 個人覺得有啲 extend
因為價位同短線 MA 有啲距離
而一眾 MA 又呈現散射式分開

HALO 好少少, 但啲 MA 線又係散射式分開
週線圖睇行緊大 range, 你個 buy point 啱啱好喺 range 頂 $51.50

ADMA 係買緊短線 MA retest ?
唔係我會 take action 嘅 pattern, 望落好似冇咩問題
價位叫做貼住短線 MA 咁上, 但啲 MA 線都係有少少分散
2024-07-05 16:55:39
但IBD既RS, 我用左SCTR代替
又睇下EPS係咪suprise, YoY EPS有冇growth
人眼睇有冇vcp, vcp之後有冇Big volume buy in
如果big volume buy in個日子唔太遠,我就會買入
所以冇理過短線 MA
2024-07-05 17:03:21
2024-07-05 17:21:32
2024-07-05 17:24:35

我用呢個criteria去篩, 再SCTR >70
2024-07-05 17:29:54
2024-07-05 17:31:40
2024-07-05 17:31:46
2024-07-05 17:51:57
CORZ 死亡之吻
K dot fuck them up

2024-07-05 17:58:14
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞