[51G is coming home] F1 2024 英國站 討論區

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2024-07-06 08:30:24
當年啲One-off Honda偈
2024-07-06 08:59:59

"I think we have a pretty good idea of ​​where we are right now. To be honest, I didn't expect to struggle this much in FP2," reflected Tsunoda Yuki.

"But we'll see what happens. For me, I still have some time to work on and I hope to squeeze a few more tenths out of the car for tomorrow."

"FP1 wasn't the ideal start to the weekend, but that's OK and we still managed to gather a good amount of data for tomorrow."

"We'll try to do the best we can to extract a bit more performance and get into Q3."

RB analysed data from the past two races and brought a " hybrid package " to Silverstone , mixing old and new specs . Could their poor performance today be due to the upgrades not working as effectively?

"If anything, it felt like the characteristics of the course simply didn't suit our car," explains Tsunoda Yuki.

"The previous three races were held on circuits with many high-speed corners, but this one in particular has several long, high-speed corners, so it's not really suited to us."

"Plus our rival teams, especially Haas, have come forward and shown a lot of speed, so we have to work a bit harder."
2024-07-06 09:19:21
2024-07-06 09:29:56
2024-07-06 09:39:58
睇下大屍幾時帶兩粒PU學JB咁玩 仲要最後插返原本個粒
舊年玩過未出中東已經3粒CE定唔記得ECU要罰格 又有新花式問天
2024-07-06 09:56:43
2024-07-06 10:01:51
2024-07-06 11:06:34
簽新屍返嚟1+1 OR 直接2年係比較好既選擇
2024-07-06 11:08:11
2024-07-06 11:37:58
最好就係辛屍素狗互鬥一兩年 邊個贏就留低湊Kimi

2024-07-06 11:39:38
威記宜家想要新屍/保子 甚至OCON
至少要有F1經驗 幫到手新例研發
2024-07-06 11:43:33
我覺得成單野係Toto 強行擺Kimi 上枱
Kimi 係f2 個成績點會convince 到sponsor 俾個位佢
佢同熊人唔同既係熊人好彩有一場替工又拎到分 (雖然係揸住部當時全場第二三快既拉利),咁F2 無成績都convince 到sponsors 先,而且只係haas
Toto 一係睇下荷蘭站搵人割鳩林蛇條盲腸,俾Kimi 上車試試lor [sosasd]
2024-07-06 11:44:26
Toto: 2026 引擎唔使錢俾你地丫
2024-07-06 11:52:30
2024-07-06 11:58:09
我地玩F1 Manager 都係咁
搵一場開兩甚至三套食晒罰格 咁之後都唔洗再食
2024-07-06 12:06:25
你講得啱,無咗成績sponsor 唔會識你
Testing 只係畀圍場入面嘅人做評估,唔係比賽
2024-07-06 12:59:37
而且而家車手市場又唔係靜,成村有實績嘅車手available,sponsor 自然會問點解一定要升Kimi 而唔係簽個現成嘅車手
2024-07-06 13:01:38
仲有保子做ICE man
2024-07-06 13:08:51
2024-07-06 13:33:49
養到next max既話
2024-07-06 14:08:33
紅車都 R 晒頭

Then comes Ferrari, which also looked half decent over a flying lap – albeit down compared to the leading two teams.

The problem was, again, high-speed instability, with Leclerc regularly catching snaps at the track’s quickest turns – including an impressive sideways save at Chapel on what was his best lap.

He was running the sidepod, floor, diffuser and rear wing updates brought to the SF-24 in Spain, with Carlos Sainz back in Montreal-spec, as Ferrari searches for an answer on its high-speed corner bouncing at a venue that really tests aerodynamic performance in such corners.
2024-07-06 14:19:25
2024-07-06 14:28:22

Feeder series成績似奶多過似Max,又係F4開始年年rookie贏車

奶仲要贏多個F2 rookie年攞亞軍,但係當年奶都冇吹到咁大

2024-07-06 16:22:19
F3 delay 16:30
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞