呢張Poster d英文大約係咩程度?

138 回覆
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2017-08-27 14:03:12
2017-08-27 14:04:55
樓豬得把口 又唔講下應該唔寫

2017-08-27 14:07:44
2017-08-27 14:09:21

可唔可以去平機會告佢 成日塑造啲男人係變態
2017-08-27 14:11:18
第一句係咪婦團邏輯入面嘅blame the victims?
2017-08-27 14:15:10
2017-08-27 14:16:21
講返先,我會考英文唔合格,28 個英文字母成日調轉次序
2017-08-27 14:19:14
2017-08-27 14:23:32
2017-08-27 14:25:07

第3, 4點我會譯做咁樣:

3. Ask for family's company (or pick-up) if you stay out late

4. Get to the crowd when suspecting being followed
英文D sign通常好簡單同埋避免使用逗號

屌你點會用come home late架? 你用go home late都算啦
啱啱考完DSE? com咩pany, 你寫呢啲咁啲巴基睇條撚咩

Have your family pick you up late at night

Get to the crowd if you are being followed


嗰啲咩request compant from whom you trust 呀, divert to the crowded should feel being tailed 就考試先拎黎獻世la
2017-08-27 14:26:20

第3, 4點我會譯做咁樣:

3. Ask for family's company (or pick-up) if you stay out late
屌你點會用come home late架? 你用go home late都算啦

4. Get to the crowd when suspecting being followed
英文D sign通常好簡單同埋避免使用逗號

啱啱考完DSE? com咩pany, 你寫呢啲咁啲巴基睇條撚咩

Have your family pick you up late at night

Get to the crowd if you are being followed


嗰啲咩request compant from whom you trust 呀, divert to the crowded should feel being tailed 就考試先拎黎獻世la
2017-08-27 14:26:39

2017-08-27 14:27:33

第3, 4點我會譯做咁樣:

3. Ask for family's company (or pick-up) if you stay out late
屌你點會用come home late架? 你用go home late都算啦

4. Get to the crowd when suspecting being followed
英文D sign通常好簡單同埋避免使用逗號

啱啱考完DSE? com咩pany, 你寫呢啲咁啲巴基睇條撚咩

Have your family pick you up late at night

Get to the crowd if you are being followed


嗰啲咩request company from whom you trust 呀, divert to the crowd should you feel being tailed 就考試先拎黎獻世la
2017-08-27 14:29:21
Ask your family to meet you


Ask someone to pick you up

你係咪on 9 架,查字典啦
2017-08-27 14:32:26
咁多人話比普通市民睇 依家有中文喎
2017-08-27 14:33:01
咁多人話比普通市民睇 依家有中文喎

2017-08-27 14:34:03
2017-08-27 14:34:14
2017-08-27 14:37:06
2017-08-27 14:40:10
2017-08-27 14:40:54
唔係話poster一定要咁樣 但如果要寫靚d我會咁寫 有錯請指教

1. Do not flaunt your valuables in public / Keep your valuables from plain sight(不過呢個多用於旅行)

2. Do not take shortcuts, stick to busy streets with a lot of lighting

3. Have someone you trust to pick you up after a late night out

4. Call the police and go somewhere crowded if you think you are being followed

利申 覺得本身真係夠簡單易明 但如果畀英語為母語既人睇一定會覺得奇奇怪怪 不過香港確實有其他唔識睇中文 而英文又唔係超級高水平既人 例如少數族裔/外國遊客 整呢張poster既人應該有考慮過呢點
2017-08-27 15:04:12

第3, 4點我會譯做咁樣:

3. Ask for family's company (or pick-up) if you stay out late
屌你點會用come home late架? 你用go home late都算啦

4. Get to the crowd when suspecting being followed
英文D sign通常好簡單同埋避免使用逗號

啱啱考完DSE? com咩pany, 你寫呢啲咁啲巴基睇條撚咩

Have your family pick you up late at night

Get to the crowd if you are being followed


嗰啲咩request company from whom you trust 呀, divert to the crowd should you feel being tailed 就考試先拎黎獻世la

你的兩句例子都好, 但我冇撚考過DSE, COMPANY呢個字都唔係咁難姐下馬?

利申: IELTS全部band 8.0+
2017-08-27 15:09:43
你地係度blame the victim! 叫女權撚出黎!
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