[本地足球] 2023/24 港超聯、亞冠及香港隊討論區 (244)

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2024-05-27 20:49:59
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The Chief Executive of Hong Kong
John Lee Ka-chiu
Hong Kong SAR

Subject: Request for Contract Extension of Head Coach Jørn Andersen for the Hong Kong National Football Team

Dear Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to you as a concerned citizen and an avid supporter of the Hong Kong national football team. I would like to express my sincere request for the extension of the contract of our esteemed Head Coach, Jørn Andersen.

First and foremost, I want to highlight the significant progress and improvement that our national football team has made under the guidance and leadership of Coach Andersen. Since his appointment as the head coach, we have witnessed remarkable achievements on the field, including notable victories against strong opponents and commendable performances in international tournaments.

Coach Andersen's expertise, dedication, and strategic approach have been instrumental in shaping the team's playing style, instilling a sense of discipline, and fostering a strong team spirit among the players. Under his tutelage, our national team has exhibited a remarkable level of professionalism, both on and off the field, which has greatly enhanced the reputation of Hong Kong's football program.

Furthermore, Coach Andersen's emphasis on nurturing young talent and promoting grassroots football development has been commendable. Through his efforts, we have witnessed promising young players from local academies being given opportunities to represent Hong Kong on the international stage. This focus on youth development bodes well for the future of Hong Kong football and aligns perfectly with the long-term goals of our sports development program.

In light of these achievements and the positive trajectory of our national team, I strongly believe that extending Coach Andersen's contract would be in the best interest of Hong Kong football. Continuity and stability in coaching are vital components for sustained success, as they provide the necessary time for the coach to build upon current foundations and further develop the team's potential.

Moreover, the upcoming international tournaments, including the prestigious Asia Cup qualifiers and World Cup qualifiers, require a stable coaching environment to ensure our team's preparedness and competitiveness. By extending Coach Andersen's contract, we would be affirming our commitment to provide our national team with the best possible chance of success in these crucial competitions.

On behalf of numerous football enthusiasts and passionate supporters in Hong Kong, I respectfully request your kind consideration and support in extending the contract of Head Coach Jørn Andersen. His proven track record, dedication, and vision for the team make him the ideal candidate to continue leading and shaping the future of Hong Kong football.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I eagerly anticipate a positive outcome. Should you require any further information or if there are any avenues through which I can contribute to this cause, please do not hesitate to contact me. I remain at your disposal to discuss this matter further.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]
2024-05-27 20:50:44
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