[黃Viu] 韓劇《完美的結婚公式》成勛、鄭侑敏、陳智熙、李敏英


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偶然發現的一天 2023-12-04 01:21:23
霸總 2023-12-04 08:34:18

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霸總 2023-12-04 08:34:36
珞珞 2023-12-04 08:43:11
珞珞 2023-12-04 08:59:50
珞珞 2023-12-04 12:58:50
長期腦霧 2023-12-04 13:20:17
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diva 我淨係睇咗男主一家&生父比檢察官問話,同埋生父最後下場兩幕
霸總 2023-12-04 13:35:13
張poster 好old school
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珞珞 2023-12-04 13:43:37
Viki 直播多南美fans
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霸總 2023-12-04 19:47:31
唔係 所以都好大機會棄
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人生可否重來 2023-12-04 21:27:08
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珞珞 2023-12-05 00:07:31
珞珞 2023-12-05 00:16:36

[NEWS] 'PerfectMarriageRevenge' Actor Sung Hoon, "I hope Seo Do Guk is happy in his current life" Thoughts on ending full of regret! ❤

In MBN weekend miniseries ‘The Perfect Marriage’, Sung-Hoon completely transformed into Seo Do-Guk, who will do anything to avenge his beloved lover, renewing his ‘life character’.

Sung-Hoon, who finished the work, said, “Episode 12. I didn't expect 6 weeks to pass so quickly, so it still doesn't feel real. “I think it will be remembered as a good work thanks to the love that many people have for ‘The Standard of a Perfect Marriage,’” he said affectionately.

Sung Hoon showed the essence of romanticism with unique & thrilling points in each episode, and also made hearts flutter with a straight-forward romance without breaks just for the one woman he loves.

He also captured the woman's heart by depicting in detail the heart of a man in love, even risking getting stabbed for Han Yi-Joo (played by Jung Yoo Min) in order to take revenge on her.

Sung-Hoon portrayed Seo Do-Guk's colorful side in an immersive way through his passionate performance, adjusting everything from his eyes to his gaze and tone of voice every time the character's emotions changed.

Sung-Hoon, who did his best as Seo Do-Guk until the end, said in his final words, “I am sad to be leaving Seo Do-Guk, but I want to tell him that he has had a hard time and that he should live happily in his current life. “I am sincerely grateful to everyone who enjoyed watching it until the end and spreading the word around,” he said. “Thank you to the production team, all staff & actors who participated in the drama for their hard work. I am also happy to be able to end this year with the ‘Perfect Marriage Standard.’ I hope everyone who watches it finds true happiness like Do-Guk & Yi Joo. “I will greet you in a good way through good work,” he expressed his gratitude.

Meanwhile, Sung Hoon plays the role of Song Jae-Seop, an exciting sports athlete & one of the secret cast in TVING's original series 'Lee Jae, Dying Soon', which is expected to add dizzying thrills in life and death, and is scheduled to be released on the 15th (Friday).

珞珞 2023-12-05 08:07:49
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