他叫周殷廷 你問佢答

342 回覆
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2023-03-06 03:03:27
lmao. I'm sorry you had to go through that.
2023-03-06 03:03:59
hahah to be fair she's alot more mature than how she appears on videos sometimes
2023-03-06 03:04:55
will definitely let you know when that happen
2023-03-06 03:05:28
hopefully I'll get to do that again soon. have you listened to hkcropradio or 24/7 talk?
2023-03-06 03:10:09
好癲 係床哥開live聽到yt 開始
2023-03-06 03:12:12
can do
2023-03-06 03:26:56
拍攝意外現場MV 嘅時候我都係度
覺得你可以由貨櫃中間行出黎 到爆車可以一鏡到尾好犀利
好在幾好聽 唔係都幾大件事
對crew 幾有禮貌 又專業 踩上車到爆炸都唔會驚
加油呀 你把聲幾入耳 希望你有一日會爆紅啦!
2023-03-06 03:32:38
YT唔洗訓? 一日訓幾多個鐘
respect 覆曬咁多個comments
2023-03-06 03:41:23
我support 爆yt!!
2023-03-06 06:40:54
175 is not short at all…
2023-03-06 06:42:43
Add oil
2023-03-06 06:46:42
2023-03-06 06:53:54
I studied in Singapore since secondary school and JC then uni there too la bro but I didn’t go to the army , but I’m from hk too , anyways your songs are good add oil ! Huat ah
2023-03-06 07:30:47
2023-03-06 08:20:48
睇相以為你有180,不過真人都ok la
2023-03-06 08:21:39
2023-03-06 08:23:34
點解你唔做激光嘅 當兵嗰陣睇唔清冇影響咩?
2023-03-06 13:15:50
Sure, cant wait for it
2023-03-06 14:12:58
利申 非gay
2023-03-06 19:40:53
2023-03-07 02:22:01
thank you so much for your support. really appreciate it
2023-03-07 02:22:11
hahah aye
2023-03-07 02:23:18
Oh wow!! thank you so much for your kind words! may I know if you are the production side or medic/location side?
2023-03-07 02:23:32
lol I sleep when I need to and wakes up when I have to
2023-03-07 02:23:42
thank you so much!!
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