他叫周殷廷 你問佢答

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2023-03-06 02:56:01
2023-03-06 02:56:02
thank you oneal
2023-03-06 02:56:12
2023-03-06 02:56:28
lol its time we get some to be honest
2023-03-06 02:56:39
will definitely let you guys know when that happens
2023-03-06 02:57:27
hahah I need to start wearing more boots to pretend to be tall. or those sole lifts inside sneakers
2023-03-06 02:57:49
hahahah of course I have ord-ed. how come you know these terms?
2023-03-06 02:58:05
nah. I wish we could but im doing their job instead
2023-03-06 02:58:11
2023-03-06 02:58:16
hahah you'll know very soon
2023-03-06 02:58:32
thank you so much! hopefully you will find me interesting enough
2023-03-06 02:58:50
well if I am doing do it, I make damn sure I try my best everything
2023-03-06 02:59:03
thank you so much
2023-03-06 02:59:13
aye. appreciate it
2023-03-06 02:59:23
ah I see. care to elaborate?
2023-03-06 02:59:38
lmao we actually have the full version. maybe we should get EG to cut it
2023-03-06 02:59:50
2023-03-06 03:00:41
nothing to hide
2023-03-06 03:00:52
I would say...its decent?
2023-03-06 03:01:02
2023-03-06 03:01:14
2023-03-06 03:01:55
well we make our own fate, so there's no point dwelling in whether they tried or not. all we can do is look forward.
2023-03-06 03:02:33
MC would be dope, JNY too, and thank you so much for your support, hopefully I will go to chill club soon
2023-03-06 03:02:43
thank you jay chou!
2023-03-06 03:03:14
yeap, too many variables that can make a difference. its impossible to "calculate"
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