他叫周殷廷 你問佢答

342 回覆
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2023-03-06 02:47:35
lmao when that day comes, I shall remember
2023-03-06 02:47:45
appreciate it!
2023-03-06 02:47:55
thank you rice ball!
2023-03-06 02:48:05
hahah yes. did you catch it last night?
2023-03-06 02:48:37
hahah there had been alot of complications to be honest, come to my ig live next time, will tell you in detail
2023-03-06 02:49:00
hahah don't, I not red enough yet
2023-03-06 02:49:10
thank you so much
2023-03-06 02:50:31
I have been fasting and Ketoing for almost a decade already, will look at music, entertainment and blow water.

if there's only one food left, I will chose nasi Padang which is an Indonesian dish.
2023-03-06 02:50:51
haven't played games for a long time, just Fifa recently with jfft
2023-03-06 02:51:01
2023-03-06 02:51:26
I did a little when I was young, Qiu Feng Ze was my classmate.
2023-03-06 02:51:36
thank you so much!
2023-03-06 02:51:53
hahah I try to sleep earlier but I feel like replying you guys first
2023-03-06 02:52:06
actually...what do you want?
2023-03-06 02:52:16
thank you!
2023-03-06 02:52:27
Thank you for your kind words
2023-03-06 02:52:40
appreciate it! that's good enough!
2023-03-06 02:53:29
lmao did I do that? that is so random lol. but glad you remember!
2023-03-06 02:53:57
hahahah what is going on
2023-03-06 02:54:07
thank you so much
2023-03-06 02:54:38
thank you so much for your support all these years. truly appreciate it. hoepfully someday I will do you proud
2023-03-06 02:55:12
hahah hopefully someday I will be big enough for you to diss me
2023-03-06 02:55:22
thank you so much for your kind words!
2023-03-06 02:55:34
hahah nah, I am 360 total death angle.
2023-03-06 02:55:45
thank you so much for your support as well
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