多倫多生活討論區 59

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2023-03-02 07:44:48
2023-03-02 08:02:22
Obtain last closing price on or before the day you entered Canada and the exchange rate CDN$ vs HK$ for all your investments.
You will need that information when you file your tax returns next year.
2023-03-02 08:04:52

Taxes - Before & After Landing
Moving to a new country is stressful enough and you've likely got a lot on your plate already. As such, you definitely don't need more hassle from having to deal with the CRA (tax department in Canada) because you didn't plan ahead. ​So, do plan ahead, understand what tax issues you might need to deal with later and do it hassle-free when you actually need to do it later.

​1. I own a property in my home country. Is there anything I need to do before/after I land in Canada?

​There are different tax implications in this case.

a) Establish a new cost base for your properties before landing

Immediately before you become a resident of Canada, you will be deemed to have disposed of your home and have reacquired it at the fair market value. As such, you will pay tax in Canada upon the actual disposition of your house only on the gain which you earned after you became a resident of Canada. The rule applies to all the properties in the country you reside before moving; as well as the properties you already own in Canada.​ An evaluation of the value of the properties will be necessary to determine the fair market value (i.e. new cost base) at the time you became resident in Canada.​

3. I have been contributing to the pension scheme in Hong Kong, namely MPF. Is that taxable in Canada when I withdraw my MPF pension?​

a) Still a non-resident when MPF is withdrawn

If you are still a non-resident of Canada at the time of withdrawal of your MPF, it is NOT taxable in Canada. And for individuals who are immigrating to Canada, as well as for returning Canadians, the best option is to withdraw all your accrued benefits in your MPF account, if you can.

More details may be found "Early Withdrawal of MPF". ​

b) Resident status when MPF is withdrawn

If you are already a resident at the time your MPF is withdrawn or for some good reasons you could not withdraw your MPF before moving to Canada.

Note that Canadian residents are taxable, under subparagraph 56(1)(a)(i) of the Act, on pension benefits in the year of receipt. This applies to benefits from a foreign pension plan that are attributable to services rendered while the individual was not a resident of Canada. Therefore, the periodic amounts and the lump sum payment from the Hong Kong pension plan will be taxable in Canada. In this case, your MPF is taxable in the year it's withdrawn.

Reference: Canadian Tax Interpretation.​

Nevertheless, foreign pension plans that meets the criteria from 60(j)(i) can be transferred into an RRSP. The mechanism is that the lump sum is included as taxable income in the year it’s withdrawn from the foreign pension but, by depositing it to an RRSP, the person receives a deduction against the income inclusion. If your foreign pension is eligible and everything is done correctly, tax is deferred until the year(s) your RRSP is withdrawn.​

4. What about payments from annuities?

​As mentioned above, benefits from a foreign pension plan is taxable in the year of receipt. Therefore, yes, any payment from foreign annuities is taxable.​
amily members).
2023-03-02 08:17:44
2023-03-02 08:28:40
2023-03-02 08:30:37
2023-03-02 08:35:23
2023-03-02 08:40:36
想搭單問foreign income 填香港出糧個數係咪包埋mpf 定take home pay
2023-03-02 08:46:52
2023-03-02 08:58:25
2023-03-02 09:30:13
2023-03-02 11:26:00
Lx Pxxxxx?
2023-03-02 13:53:14
2023-03-02 13:55:42
how to catch
2023-03-02 13:59:52

同埋我估叫留條活路啩 好多收現金工嘅人
都唔係大富大貴㗎啦 無謂趕盡殺絕

2023-03-02 14:40:01
2023-03-02 15:10:02
2023-03-02 15:23:32
2023-03-02 15:34:26
2023-03-02 15:42:44
2023-03-02 19:45:17
2023-03-02 20:49:36
2023-03-02 21:00:30
TFSA係咪一定要約banking advisor先開到
有冇人開過 有冇話邊間銀行好啲
2023-03-02 21:11:12
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞