計劃進修PhD/Research討論區(30) 終日而思,不如須臾之所學

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2017-07-30 20:04:45

2017-07-30 20:09:20

2017-07-30 20:10:33

2017-07-30 20:12:01

2017-07-30 20:19:16

2017-07-30 21:01:56

2017-07-30 21:05:30

2017-07-30 21:09:47

2017-07-30 21:10:43

2017-07-30 21:23:16

2017-07-30 22:10:21

2017-07-30 22:27:52
2017-07-30 22:56:49

2017-07-30 23:09:39

2017-07-30 23:22:53

2017-07-30 23:34:29

2017-07-30 23:38:47

2017-07-30 23:41:08


Rather, we make predictions based on the entire set of plausible models,
with contributions of models weighted by the models’ predictive value. -> 即係ensemble learning? 好似見到有AIC, 係唔係用AIC 去weight? Hierarchical model 同ensemble 有d分別,但係ensemble 都有Bayesian 版

點用Bayesian 做GLM -> 咪又係寫低個likelihood做MLE / 用MCMC去evaluate 個posterior

2017-07-30 23:43:18

2017-07-30 23:53:02
2017-07-31 00:24:33

2017-07-31 00:38:42

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