講真,我睇完佢po果篇文,個鬼佬引用依一篇文去證明4頭activation>back extensor muscle
我直接extract data出黎
straight-barbell EGC activity
bicep femoris during the concentric phase (0.835 ± 0.19) and the erector spinae (0.753 ± 0.28)
hexagonal-barbell deadlift
(0.723 ± 0.20 and 0.614 ± 0.21) (p ≤ 0.05)
其實計落條數差好少,亦都證明erector spinae係activation against gravity/body weight
To combine all the previous information, the trap bar deadlift is a hip hinge pattern that appears to work the back and hip extensors almost as much as the conventional deadlift, with the added benefit of some extra quadricep activation 講緊兩樣野都係差唔多activation
最後,講返個小朋友form,岩岩睇完,個小朋友係類似Stoop lift咁上下
Spine extensors拉長左,令到佢有passive insufficiency, 導致anterior disc壓力增加左,長年會增加突出既風險