[網球] ATP & WTA 討論區(38) 更新

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2022-08-29 10:40:02
差d 破左戒
2022-08-29 12:18:54
[網球] 美國網球公開賽 2022 (1)
2022-08-29 12:56:33
唔關US Open 事, 係CDC 制定嘅規則. 不過搞咁耐, 如果宜家改咪即係話自己錯, 所以唔會改
2022-08-29 13:09:26
民主黨一早同藥廠deal 好左,除非侵侵上返台先有機會改變而家個遊戲規則
2022-08-29 13:16:16
2022-08-29 13:39:04
宜家基本上係, 祖唔係美國人, 所以唔受美國憲法保護, 所以冇得挑戰呢個規則

佢一早預咗冇得打, 完全意料之中

Moderna 有冇sponsor US Open 唔重要, CDC 話唔改就係唔改

不過USTA 都話冇嘢可以做
2022-08-29 13:55:06
宜家政治氣候唔講得, 所以2016 年競選嗰陣講咗

Donald Trump believes vaccines cause autism. Here's the evidence that proves him wrong.

US President-Elect Donald Trump has said vaccines cause autism, and he couldn't be more wrong
2022-08-29 13:59:21
佢係真係一早預咗冇得打, 2020年4月已經講呢個問題

Novak Djokovic's anti-vaccination stance may stop his return to tennis
20 Apr 2020

Novak Djokovic says his opposition to vaccinations may get in the way of his return to competitive tennis.

“Personally I am opposed to vaccination and I wouldn’t want to be forced by someone to take a vaccine in order to be able to travel,” the world No 1 said in a live Facebook chat with several fellow Serbian athletes on Sunday. “But if it becomes compulsory, what will happen? I will have to make a decision.

“I have my own thoughts about the matter and whether those thoughts will change at some point, I don’t know.

“Hypothetically, if the season was to resume in July, August or September, though unlikely, I understand that a vaccine will become a requirement straight after we are out of strict quarantine and there is no vaccine yet.”
2022-08-29 14:08:10
根本呢條rule 就前後矛盾,CDC 都承認左有打同無打疫苗無分別,咁強制要人打疫苗先比入境個理據係邊
2022-08-29 14:28:00
一早就知枝針做唔到佢哋講嘅嘢, 不過政治問題, 沒得解, 而呢度始終主要講網球, 再講都冇意義
2022-08-29 14:49:56
2022-08-29 15:12:30

next gen好似真係得佢走bulk呢個方向
2022-08-29 15:20:59
2022-08-29 16:40:15
2022-08-29 18:52:33
呢對無… 好似要上網搶的
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