Poland has said it is
ready to hand over all its MiG-29 jets to a U.S. air base in Germany and urged other NATO members with the same type of Russian-made warplanes to do the same, the Foreign Ministry has said, although a
U.S. official later said the announcement was a "surprise."
詳細內文自己睇. 波蘭自己唔送, 要移交俾美國, 所以最後個deal fail左.
十幾日前既新聞, 你都唔去fact check, 仲走去用中文引述既傳媒.
我連你嗰篇中文引述既英文版都搵埋, 基本上係得一句, 無details, 無解釋.
The United States had sought MiG 29 fighters from Poland and other NATO countries to transfer to Ukraine because Ukrainian pilots are familiar with the Russian-built jets.
The arrangement fell apart when Poland announced that it wouldn’t transfer the MiGs directly to Ukraine, but would deliver the jets to a U.S. Air Force base in Germany. The United States said transfer of the jets from a U.S. Air Force base to Ukraine fighter pilots was too direct of a confrontation between the United States and Russia.
一直都講係波蘭唔直接送, 想轉交俾美國送, 所以先deal fail.
而美國國內都有聲音, 美國係應該搵方法搞掂佢.
賀錦麗係無料到既八婆, 我非常同意, 但佢有冇做係一個FACT.