18th Chopin Competition 討論區(3)——離奇results

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2021-10-21 16:18:59
佢係All around pianist 唔淨係classic
2021-10-21 16:23:09
佢有條片係liszt Hungarian jazz version 好正
2021-10-21 16:48:37
同意唔知點解俾 bruce 拎
2021-10-21 17:43:00
SJC is from another world. 成個比賽好似汗都唔流一滴咁
2021-10-21 17:52:48
2021-10-21 18:35:26
1-10分,每個 jury 俾的分咁
2021-10-21 18:46:22
Same, 如果反田1 + Bruce 2/有獎 + 韓仔有獎就perfect
Bruce首grande polonaise其實我都翻聽左幾次
2021-10-21 18:56:58
Cateen 會更加紅
2021-10-21 19:33:05
Prize winner’s concert 有無人聽
2021-10-21 19:35:04
2021-10-21 19:41:17
2021-10-21 19:41:29
係 sorita 呢個亞軍係
2021-10-21 19:54:58
bruce第2都已經over左喇決賽炒成咁我覺得佢係個incompetent pianist
不過見佢其餘stage都表現出色 都可以俾個5-6名佢嘅
2021-10-21 20:16:57
應該remove 左Bruce liu
2021-10-21 20:19:58

有人係youtube 翻譯左反田個訪問

I really can't believe it. I can't say much as I still don't feel it is real because I haven't received a certificate or medal yet. I spent the last six years scrutinizing my repertoire. I started building my
body two years ago and have been thinking about everything, hairstyle for one. Fortunately, I received the best compliment "Chopinist." I strategized so you could remember me as a hairstyle or a samurai. You can learn my name
later. It was the moment when all the plans came to fruition.

How the moment of a person's dream comes true is different for each person. It could be a moment or it could be 5 seconds. Since I was 12 years old I
had a strong desire to play with the orchestra on the stage in a competition rather than a concert. My dream came true, and it lasted for 40 minutes. To be honest, I didn’t think about the prize. I was really happy when I was able to go to the final round.

Four years ago, on the anniversary of Chopin's death on October 17, I took Chopin's concerto lesson for the first time from my professor. I really didn't know Chopin 101. Chopin is popular in Japan, and the Chopin Competition is also very popular. But I didn't know how to play Chopin. There are too many recordings and many people play them in various ways. I started my formal piano lesson at the age of 12 and played my favorite waltz and mazurkas, but I wanted to know the true Chopin so I went to Warsaw four years ago to study. That kind of thing flashed back at that moment, and I could only say "thank you" to the professor.

There is a big time difference between Japan and Poland, so I would like to thank everyone who supported me in the middle of the night. We live in an era where you can easily access SNS. The number of my followers has grown rapidly. Once I tweet, retweets won’t stop as if I’m a celebrity. I could understand where I am today with the help of your support. I received a lot of really encouraging comments.

To be honest, during the competition, I couldn't stand the pressure just after the first round, and I nearly wanted to text my professor about withdrawing. The last three months have been really long. The big waves of emotions were really fierce, but I thought that as a musician, I would need to face one composer like this once in a lifetime. Whether you take the competition or not, you would regret it, the wall to overcome is tall, and if you win, there will be another challenge. I have to think about my own time allocation and concert allocation to protect myself from now on. After all, I was born in Japan, so I would like to return to Japan regularly for concerts.

As I said on the local radio, I am grateful that there is my professor, family, friends, and other people who support me. Thank you.
2021-10-21 20:35:05
不過老實講 如果佢地幾個開concert 我會揀cateen
2021-10-21 20:52:05
2021-10-21 21:06:21
prize winner concert Bruce 又彈 concerto
2021-10-21 21:32:23
屌條友到底搞咩 有古典路唔行 返去大陸做埋啲19節目
2021-10-21 22:16:38
2021-10-21 22:26:36
睇到好滾動 一生人努力 i really like his attitude and expression 反田夫婦世一
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