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2021-04-17 22:18:59
2021-04-17 22:19:11
2021-04-17 22:19:14
2021-04-17 22:19:30
2021-04-17 22:19:31
要開字幕先明 就咁聽真係跟唔上
2021-04-17 22:20:04
2021-04-17 22:20:05
queen 話冇人可以著軍服,只可以著西裝加荷蘭水蓋
2021-04-17 22:20:13
蘋果條 Link 慢好多?
2021-04-17 22:20:15
John 11. 21--27
Read by the Archbishop of Canterbury
Martha said to Jesus, "Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. And even now I know that whatever you ask from God, God will give you." Jesus said to her, "Your brother will rise again." Martha said to him, "I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day." Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?" She said to him, "Yes, Lord; I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, he who is coming into the world."
2021-04-17 22:20:19
2021-04-17 22:20:25
2021-04-17 22:20:31
2021-04-17 22:20:33

2021-04-17 22:20:46
轉左去the royal family睇了
2021-04-17 22:20:50
2021-04-17 22:20:54
I am the resurrection and the life
2021-04-17 22:20:55
2021-04-17 22:21:07
up 上 YouTube 要時間
2021-04-17 22:21:14
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2021-04-17 22:21:53
2021-04-17 22:21:53
The Duke of Edinburgh requested that Psalm 104 should be set to music by William Lovelady.
Originally composed as a cantata in three movements, it was first sung in honour of His Royal Highness's 75th Birthday.

"My soul give praise unto the Lord of heaven, In majesty and honour clothed;
The earth he made will not be moved,
The seas he made to be its robe. Give praise.
The waters rise above the highest mountain,
And flow down to the vales and leas;
At springs, wild asses quench their thirst,
And birds make nest amid the trees.
The trees the Lord has made are full of vigour,
The fir tree is a home for storks;
Wild goats find refuge in the hills,
From foes the conies shelter in the rocks.
My soul give praise unto the Lord of heaven,
In majesty and honour clothed;
The earth he made will not be moved,
The seas he made to be its robe. Give praise.
O Lord, how manifold is your creation,
All things in wisdom you provide;
You give your riches to the earth,
And to the sea so great and wide.
You take your creatures breath and life is ended,
Your breath goes forth and life begins;
Your hand renews the face of earth,
Your praise my whole life I will sing.
My soul give praise unto the Lord of heaven,
In majesty and honour clothed;
The earth he made will not be moved,
The seas he made to be its robe. Give praise."

William Lovelady (b. 1945)
Abridged and arranged for choir and organ by James Vivian (b. 1974) with the composer's permission
Words from Psalm 104, adapted by Sam Dyer (b. 1945)
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