[WithU] NiziU 討論區 (5) TAP / PS 雙主打 CB!Nina 生日快樂!日韓市場我都要!

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2021-03-02 15:36:47

2021-03-02 15:47:15
每個 post 開頭貼呢張

2021-03-02 15:49:18
2021-03-02 19:02:54
2021-03-02 19:05:52

2021-03-02 20:15:49
2021-03-02 20:49:32
2021-03-02 21:23:45
2021-03-03 03:46:32
2021-03-03 14:45:47
2021-03-03 14:53:33
Mako: We heard you are going forward to the next step
Mayuka: We will try out best to be able to work with you at other studios too
Riku: Miura-san, we heard you will be on ZIP! which shoot earlier than Sukkiri
Rio: So please take care of yourself
Ayaka: Haruna-san, we hard you will be shooting a documentary movie, I hope you do your best too!
(This was a joke)
Haruna: I’m not the Michael Moore filmmaker !!! (We joke about this often)
*After the joke*
Maya: 👂 hahahahaha!!! It was great !! But really, we appreciate your hard work☺️
Haruna: Maya-Chan’s timing was so perfect...
Miihi: Haruna-san, Miura-san, thank you so much for supporting Nizi Project and NiziU. I wish I could meet you two at the studio of Sukkiri too
Rima: Please enjoy rest of your time in Sukkiri !!
Nina: and do your best on remaining time in Sukkiri too !!
NiziU: Bye bye~!
2021-03-03 15:23:54
2021-03-03 19:47:55
2021-03-03 20:01:15
2021-03-03 20:49:22
2021-03-03 20:55:46
2021-03-03 20:59:04
2021-03-03 21:42:01
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