“The Germans are instructed to fire bursts of from 5 to 7 rounds when they employ the MG 42 as a light machine gun, since an operator cannot hold his gun on the target for a longer period. The gun must be re-aimed after each burst. To enable the bursts to fall in as rapid a succession as possible, the Germans try to cut the aiming time to a minimum.”
The German military instructs sustained fire must be avoided at all costs. In the bipod mounted light machine gun role MG 3 users are trained to fire short bursts of 3 to 5 rounds and strive to optimize their aim between bursts fired in succession. In the tripod mounted medium machine gun role MG 3 users are trained to fire short bursts and bursts of 20 to 30 rounds and strive to optimize their aim between bursts fired in succession. (Wikipedia)
由呢兩篇嘢可以知道德軍慣用嘅 MG3 係繼承咗MG42嘅 rate of fire,因此為咗提高準確度同埋慳彈,正常士兵係
禁止掃射。MG3喺經過連續掃射之後亦都要成日更換槍管,所以嗰個士兵喺習慣之下先至會burst fire,成班連登仔就當人戇鳩鳩唔識嘢