
753 回覆
614 Like 11 Dislike
2020-02-08 00:56:52
2020-02-08 01:01:28
2020-02-08 01:11:10
2020-02-08 01:35:32
所有人啱用!! 真心重要!! 記得睇晒 #1, #43, #61, #73, #80
2020-02-08 01:36:47
所有人啱用!記得睇晒 #1, #43, #61, #73, #80
2020-02-08 02:09:34
2020-02-08 02:13:01
2020-02-08 02:21:56
2020-02-08 02:22:11
2020-02-08 02:35:06
2020-02-08 02:37:32
唔太明呢度 知手機型號既重要性係?
真 無知一問
2020-02-08 02:38:38
樓豬置頂加埋幾頁同sub title la
2020-02-08 02:39:33
2020-02-08 02:58:31
重要 推~
2020-02-08 03:00:14
2020-02-08 03:38:47
2020-02-08 03:39:07
幫推 但其實係咪iPhone shortcuts個app都做到
2020-02-08 03:56:25
2020-02-08 04:21:44
2020-02-08 04:22:40
電話型號呢個字我用得唔準確。Specifically, metadata 嘅一種,IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) 同 IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity), 係一啲獨特、冇得變而打個電話都會被你嘅 carrier log到既野。IMEI 會被用來 identify 部電話,IMSI 將個用家同張SIM掛勾,當夾埋兩者,幾本上每一個用電話嘅人都可以被 uniquely identified。

In the United Kingdom, under the Mobile Telephones (Re-programming) Act, changing the IMEI of a phone, or possessing equipment that can change it, is considered an offence under some circumstances. Law enforcement and intelligence services can use an IMEI number as input for tracking devices that are able to locate a cell phone with an accuracy of a few meters. Saudi Arabian government agencies have reportedly used IMEI numbers retrieved from cell phone packaging to locate and detain women who fled Saudi Arabia's patriarchal society in other countries

- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IMEI

美國就要求 Verizon:
produce to the National Security Agency (NSA) upon service of this Order, and continue production on an ongoing daily basis thereafter for the duration of this Order, [...] all call detail records or "telephony metadata" created by Verizon for communications[...]. Telephony metadata includes comprehensive communications routing information, including but not limited to session identifying information (e.g., originating and terminating telephone number, International Mobile Subscriber Identity(IMSI) number, International Mobile station Equipment Identity (IMEI) number, etc., trunk identifier, telephone calling card numbers, and time and duration of call."

- http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/interactive/2013/jun/06/verizon-telephone-data-court-order

當中,"comprehensive communications routing information" 基本上係漁翁撒網。佢可以include 數據 that tracks 用戶幾時從邊個手機塔手機用戶移動到另一個。Triangulation 嘅 accuracy 係香港基本上係高到可以知道你住咩層咩室 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_phone_tracking)

IMSI 頭三個 number 揭露你 carrier 嘅國家,第4-6個 number 揭露你用緊嘅carrier。所以去到邊赤支納粹都 track 到你。

1. 電話唔裝SIM Card, 用Ethernet上網 (WiFi exposes MAC, also a permanent unique identifier that exposes location); and/or
2. 用Faraday bag 裝著電話,block 撚柒啲signal; and/or
3. 用部有hardware kill switch 嘅電話,直頭disconnect 個 modem (例如 Librem 5 by Purism)

2020-02-08 04:25:05
咁點貼file呢 ios用家
Wow. 學到野
2020-02-08 04:33:21
2020-02-08 04:34:16
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞