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2020-02-06 16:59:40
2020-02-06 17:03:20
2020-02-06 17:52:34
2020-02-06 20:35:35
Haven 係個由 Edward Snowden 等人開發, 可以用來當安全鏡頭嘅 free-and-open-source Android app. 正常嘅 security camera 啲 footage 淨係得你自己睇到。咁你死撚咗,片段就同你一齊 RIP,呢個可能是從狗開始殺人以來,冇片段曝光的其中一個原因。但係 Haven 唔同, 因為你可以configure 佢去即刻自動 share 俾人。


1. 光線感應器
2. microphone
3. camera (back or front)
4. movement sensors

Haven 一旦被 trigger, 除咗會喺本機 log 低, 你仲可以 set 佢自動通過Signal Messenger send logs 去任何一個 Signal number. Signal 係個 end-to-end encrypted messenger (註1)

平時喺屋企所有時候都用 Haven:

(i) 喺屋度,黑警 / “蝠賤湯”剷上門綁架/謀殺手足,門都未入就斷正,會即刻自動通知信得過嘅手足/朋友 (唔建議直系親屬,Popo 有你親戚啲資料, 廢事CCTVB又派人冒你老母; 有本事清理埋啲朋友,朋友嘅親戚, 朋友嘅朋友, 朋友嘅朋友嘅親戚, 咁攪法咪特朗普都斬埋?Ad infinitum);

(ii) 唔喺屋度, 對準你單位的大門, 當係門口狗, 有賊/有人拍門即刻通知你

分兩部機 for (i) and (ii),插插蘇

我建議您使用兩個 Signal 的 account, 一個用即棄的預繳 SIM 卡 / 網上嗰啲 temporary number 來註冊,呢個賬戶只用來收 friend 嘅 Haven notifications; 第二個用您本身嘅電話號碼同屋企人 / close friends 作日常通訊 。如果想在一部 Android 電話用到兩個 Signal app,可以用 Shelter 來創建 Work Profile, clone app。Work Profile 裡面的 Signal 使用另一個號碼。本身個冧把唔可以註冊咗 Signal。 建議您用 registration lock, 至少每7日入 Signal 一次, 廢事比其他人攞咗個冧把

要撳 Activate Haven 先會自動開始拍

你可以設定 trigger Haven 的 threshold, 即有幾多郁動、聲量同光線變化先會啟動 Haven。

當夠多人使用 Haven 時, 因為共匪不知道屋内有沒有使用 Haven, 而他們知道被拍到他們就大鑊, 所以呢個不確定性就能產生阻嚇作用, 至少會令黑警唔夠膽着住制服明目張膽 、肆無忌憚剷上你屋企掟你落樓。

狗著住制服拍門就需要應門, 但“蝠賤湯”拍門可以唔 give。如果賤禽破門, 你可以合法自衞, 大把嘢招呼佢地, 人哋咁辛苦山長水遠嚟拜訪你, 為佢廢老上刀山落油鑊都在所難免喇。


Signal Protocol 也被 WhatsApp 及 Facebook Messenger 的 “Secret Chat” 使用。佢哋話就咁話,係咪真,無人知,closed-source 的 proprietary software 就係咁。Signal 係由個 501(c)(3) 非牟利機構運作, WhatsApp 的 co-founder Brian Acton 捐咗 US$50,000,000 俾 Signal Foundation 而且冇期望收得返。 Signal 冇 paid features,而且不賺用家錢。 Signal 冇廣告和不含 trackers。我引述 Signal 嘅網頁: “We've designed the Signal service to minimize the data we retain about Signal users, so the only information we can produce [...] is the date and time a user registered with Signal and the last date of a user's connectivity to the Signal service.

“Notably, things we don't have stored include anything about a user's contacts (such as the contacts themselves, a hash of the contacts, any other derivative contact information), anything about a user's groups (such as how many groups a user is in, which groups a user is in, the membership lists of a user's groups), or any records of who a user has been communicating with. All message contents are end-to-end encrypted, so we don't have that information either."

https://signal.org/bigbrother/eastern-virginia-grand-jury/, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signal_Protocol#Properties


Signal 俾你選擇是否:
1. 在訊息發送一段時間後自動毀滅所有 recipients 嘅 copy (disappearing messages),
2. 限制所有 recipients 只能看一次 disappearing media,
3. 當一個 conversation 傳送了一定數量的新訊息後, 自動 delete 你嘅舊訊息 (message trimming)
4. 過咗一段特定時間, 自動 delete 你嘅舊訊息 from all conversations

如果您決定要咁做,請記得用 open-source software 例如Standard Notes / Nextcloud 去 backup 訊息, https://www.privacytools.io/software/ 有好多好推介

Signal 同唔少聲稱實行E2EE既通訊軟件一樣,俾您備份對話。分別在於, WhatsApp 同 Telegram 嘅備份「黨」案都係 plaintext;尤其如果您用咗Google Cloud 或 iCloud 等網絡備份服務,會變相完全繞過 end-to-end encryption, 因為所有 messaging records 會被永遠儲存喺佢哋既 server 度。Telegram by default 仲衰,end-to-end encryption 都冇得佢 bypass, 全部一開波就upload 曬去 Telegram servers in plaintext.

Signal allows you to backup messages to an encrypted database on Android. Deleted messages will not be included. https://support.signal.org/hc/en-us/articles/360007059752-Backup-and-Restore-Messages

講真,Signal 嘅 interface 絕對唔輸比 WhatsApp, stickers 嗰啲都有 (PC client 可以整stickers添)

Signal is available for Android, iOS, Windows, MacOSX and Debian-based Linux (excluding Tails OS) https://signal.org/download/
2020-02-06 20:43:10
2020-02-06 20:51:40
2020-02-06 21:06:31
2020-02-06 22:21:02
2020-02-06 22:29:14
2020-02-07 03:12:13
everyone 適用
2020-02-07 03:13:15
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
2020-02-07 03:16:40
No ios?
2020-02-07 03:17:41
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請你 check 下 #73
2020-02-07 11:29:22
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