全部上述嘅 apps 都係自由及公開源代碼軟件 (free and open-source software, FOSS), 亦即一些把source code公開給任何人檢視的軟件,用家可以隨意修改source code,其他programmers能夠審視 source code 和幫忙找出安全漏洞; 亦可以從source code衍生reproducible builds,通過比較reproducible build 同 app store(s) 版本的hash [用一個眾所周知的mathematical function來將一個 input 轉化成一個很長的數字, 果個數字就叫hash], 因為兩個版本通常應該是由同一個 source code 衍生出來的; 如果兩個 hash 吻合, 那就代表那軟件的確是由source code衍生出黎,咁你就可以知道app store(s) 版本有冇被加上backdoor。 補充資料:
大部分code都由美國嘅programmer寫, Edward Snowden 及 Guardian Project 有份寫 Haven, ProofMode 係 The Guardian Project 寫嘅。Apps裡面無任何課金部分, 我亦冇收到任何incentives。
Signal 廣被歐美嘅記者使用:
https://freedom.press/news/how-do-newsrooms-get-their-news-tips-we-reviewed-over-80-news-outlets/ Signal 係由個 501(c)(3) 非牟利機構運作, WhatsApp 的co-founder Brian Acton 捐咗 US$50,000,000 俾 Signal Foundation 而且冇期望收得返。 Signal 冇 paid features,而且不賺用家錢。 Signal 冇廣告和不含 trackers。相反,in May 2016, 美國 NGO The Committee to Protect Journalists 及 Nate Cardozo, senior staff attorney at Electronic Frontier Foundation, recommended against using Telegram because of "its lack of end-to-end encryption [by default] and its use of non-standard MTProto encryption protocol, which has been publicly criticized by cryptography researchers, including Matthew Green. (
https://www.privacytools.io/ 有好多好好嘅 FOSS,希望你可以參詳一下
Electronic Frontier Foundation (電子前線基金會) 喺美國打滾多年,一直保護 Constitution 所保障嘅 legal rights 免受政棍蠶食,喺度介紹metadata:
https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2013/06/why-metadata-matters; https://ssd.eff.org/en/module/why-metadata-matters; https://ssd.eff.org/en/glossary/metadata
https://ssd.eff.org/ 呢個網站簡單易明,資訊非常有用