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2020-02-09 11:48:09

終共被揭發佢hack咗來自三十幾個國家、幾十間 global telecoms for 至少七年,竊取了大量 metadata

Hackers believed to be linked to the Chinese government have broken into the systems of more than a dozen global telecommunications carriers and stolen huge amounts of data over a period going back at least seven years, according to a new report today from security researchers at Cybereason.

The hackers also used tools linked to other attacks attributed to Beijing by the United States and its Western allies, said Lior Div, chief executive of Cybereason. “For this level of sophistication it’s not a criminal group. It is a government that has capabilities that can do this kind of attack,” he told Reuters.

The hacking campaign, dubbed Operation Soft Cell, targeted “call detail records” that contained metadata on every call made on a targeted network, including times, dates and the location of the device.

In addition, the same group attempted to steal all data stored by their targets, including usernames and password in the organization, billing data, email servers and other related information.

The tools used by hackers were those commonly associated with the APT10 group, a hacking group that works on behalf of the Chinese Ministry of State Security’s Tianjin State Security Bureau. Members of the group were indicted by the U.S. Department of Justice in December 2018.

Giving credence to the idea that it was a state-sponsored campaign, the researchers noted that “the threat actor mainly sought to obtain CDR data (call logs, cell tower locations, etc.) belonging to specific individuals from various countries. This type of targeted cyber espionage is usually the work of nation-state threat actors.

2020-02-09 12:12:04
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2020-02-09 20:40:55
2020-02-09 20:46:36
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2020-02-09 20:53:36
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2020-02-10 00:39:46
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