[2020係金塊年][NBA] 丹佛金塊球迷討論區4

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2020-02-05 13:59:25


預咗佢哋要走,換到solid role player仲有pick賺
2020-02-05 14:03:34
2020-02-05 14:06:23
2020-02-05 14:19:04
Murray Harris Barton Grant Jokic
Morris Dozier Craig Cancar
2020-02-05 19:47:05
My friend Sumio has opened a gym. So far it's been a great success. The outstanding quality gym and shower equipment is a key factor in the success of his gym. Of course customer service also plays a key role in the company's success. He asked me if I could find a decent manager for him. I said "I can't make any promises but I'll see what I can do" My friend Tomio has an interview for a marketing executive position in Sumio's gym. He quit his previous job because his colleagues always bullied him and the salary was low. I said "I don't blame you for want to leave" The interview stresses him out. I said "Don't stress yourself too much. Just set your mind at ease. Try not to stress too much about it" My brother said "Don't stress yourself out. Rest easy. Put your mind at rest. Don't stress over it" Last Tuesday we had supper at Tomio's place. His younger brother got Japanese homework to do. He said "I have to do part A but I haven't got to do part B" He soaks up new words and grammar patterns very quickly. He has an extensive vocabulary whereas his elder brother's vocabulary is fairly limited. He tries to lessen thirteen new items of vocabulary a day to enrich his vocabulary. During the class he soaks up everything the teacher says. When "Fukushima" is a Japanese word you should stress the second, third and last syllables. But when it's an English word the stress is only on the third syllable. When he reads a novel he's like a sponge and soaks up the story. If he encounters computer problems he'll find Fuyuki who is an expert and soak up the advice he offers. His elder brother has a clarinet exam next Tuesday. He said "Adtwr this test I'll do grade eight next year or better still I'll directly take the diploma exam" After chatting with him in his room for a while I said "I'll leave you to get on with your practice." My brother said "I had better leave you to practise your exam pieces" My girlfriend too said "I'd better leave you to get on with it" His eldest brother went to meditate in his room after supper so I left him to himself. Some orange juice spilt down the chair onto the floor so Tomio soaked it up with a dishcloth. His elder sister and her boyfriend booked a massage session. She asked "had I better leave my wallet on the night table?" Her boyfriend too asked "should we leave our valuables on the nightstand?" I said "you'd better not leave your valuables on the bedside cabinet during your massage session because someone might steal it" My brother said "hadn't you better leave them in your locker so that it's safe?" My girlfriend too said "shouldn't you leave them in your locker?" Tomio's younger sister has a job interview the day after. I said "I'm rooting for you. I'm there for you. It's gonna be ok." My brother too said "I support you. I've got your back. You got this" Her boyfriend has geography exams next Thursday so I said "you're almost there. I believe in you. You got this" When his professor was tutoring him the professor said "that's coming along nicely. Keep up the good work. You're learning fast. You're getting better every day. You've almost mastered that" His tutor also said "now you've got thr hang of it. You're on the right track now. You're doing fine. Keep it up" Sumio recently shouted at his sister and called her a liar because of a misunderstanding. I said "I can't believe you sat that to her" My brother too said "I can't believe you would say that to her" Sumio will be giving a birthday party tomorrow st his place but alas I can't attend as I got work to do. When he invited me at first I said "I'll have to see" Sumio is making the most elaborate preparations for his party. My brother asked him "how are the party preparations going?" Peter is assisting with his party preparations too. Sarah is assisting in making preparations for the party as well. Happy birthday Sumio. I'm sure your friends will join me in wishing you a very happy birthday.
2020-02-05 20:01:36
Last year Vince carter got a jing side bed frame and mattress for my birthday. I remember I said "I can't believe you got me a king size bed frame and mattress" Amy has accepted a commission to write an article on picasso for an art magazine. She's doing research in preparation for the article. Her boyfriend is assisting in the preparation of the research too. Her favourite NBA team Bulls will be playing against Grizzlies in the playoff season. A playoff game like this requires proper preparation. The poster and promo video are in preparation. The players in Bulls are doing thorough preparation for it as they didn't perform well in their last two games because they did no preparation. The players in Grizzlies didn't seem to have done much preparation for their last four games as well so this time they're doing meticulous preparation for it including stealing, dunking, three point shooting, free throw shooting and getting rebounds as well as cardiovascular training. Training six hours a day is ideal preparation for the playoff season. You cannot play against a high level team without adequate preparation. Charles is making preparations for his ski trip in tokyo. He's also making preparations to meet his favourite band X japan in Osaka so he's preoccupied with these preparations. Preparations for next week's ski festival is being made. The organizations who organize the ski festival have announced that preparations for it are well under way.
2020-02-05 20:16:26
17M 真係痴撚咗 12M 都偏貴食唔起
2020-02-05 21:27:56
廢隊會搶㗎,而家睇Covington 12m超級抵
2020-02-05 22:04:34
仲有個first round pick同 gerald green
2020-02-05 22:18:49
2020-02-06 01:01:56
New Orleans continues to be content with Jrue Holiday remaining on roster through Thursday’s NBA Trade Deadline, league sources tell ESPN. The kind of overwhelming offer it would take to pry Holiday hasn’t surfaced in the marketplace.

2020-02-06 07:37:24

2020-02-06 10:10:56
Morris Murray Harris Craig Jokic
Dozier Cancar

2020-02-06 10:34:45
Morris Murray Dozier Craig Cancar
2020-02-06 11:33:40
2020-02-06 12:04:33
2020-02-06 12:09:57
I miss Barton and MPJ
2020-02-06 12:11:49
2020-02-06 12:12:36
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞