[2020係金塊年][NBA] 丹佛金塊球迷討論區4

1001 回覆
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2020-01-20 09:34:42
2020-01-20 09:39:32
2020-01-20 10:10:10
Monte Morris廢到
2020-01-20 11:07:16
正選無可能將Morris Craig Grant擺埋一齊,Morris控唔到場又無攻
2020-01-20 11:11:06
2020-01-20 11:13:53
2020-01-20 11:14:39
2020-01-20 16:27:43
2020-01-21 00:31:36
Looking forward to seeing them in the playoff season !
2020-01-21 09:20:08
2020-01-21 15:21:33
2020-01-21 18:31:47
My favourite NBA player is Ben Simmons. I've heard that a sports center is being cconstructed at Tokyo university with a grant from the department of sports science. The construction of it is progressing well. Though the construction is an arduous and complex undertaking, it'll be worth it. The japanese government has awarded Ben's elder brother a six million nine hundred eighteen thousand eight hundred dollar student grant to study biotechnology at tokyo university. He loves kickboxing. He's lucky because his professor grants permission to use the ring at university. His younger brother has also received a twenty three million five hundred ten thousand dollar research grant for research into space elevators there. He's been having a crush on this girl named Jo but Jo has a boyfriend. His friend said "that's totally fair. She's quite attractive" But hes beginning to realise he has no place in her scheme of things. Hes just being a doormat so I told him to forget her. She's just not worth it. His eldest brother is applying for a research grant for research on flying cars while his eldest sister is studying artificial intelligence there. Last monday after lunch she hurried back home. I asked "what's all the hurry for?" It turns out that the money for her study grant is about to dry up in which case she won't be able to continue with her studies. That's why she's in a desperate hurry to find a job. In addition I've lent her an academic textbook who said she would let me have this back next sunday but I said "that's ok. There's no great hurry" Ben's great grandfather was a bassoonist during the romantic period who started off by performing in salons then progressed to big concert halls. He died in a forest at the age of ninety nine. There was abundant compelling evidence that a hailstorm was a contributory factor in the accident. His elder sister started off her career as a junior accountant in a local announcing form and progressed to an accounting manager in an international firm. I had a friendly chat with her the other day. We started off discussing her career plans and gradually the conversation progressed to our davoirite movies. Project Gutenberg is worth seeing for its three-D effects and the excitement it generates. I saw it twice on the big screen and watched it three more times on DVD when it was out of theatres. It kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. This movie fulfilled my expectation. The majority of the movie is flashbacks to the incidents before Lee Man is arrested. There's an unexpected twist to the plot towards the end of the movie. The Mummy is also a compelling movie which begins with a flashback to Imhotep's past. Ben's younger sister started off as a security guard but quickly progressed to a manager. I enjoy chatting with her but whenever we chat we never seem to progress beyond her favourite sport baseball. She loves painting but alas she has no talent as a painter. She never really progressed beyond the stage of painting cartoon characters. She's been wondering about setting up a hotel business. I think its worth a try as she has a razor-sharp mind. My cousin's husband too thinks it's worth giving it a go. She'll try to get sanction for building it in Mid-levels. I would've imagined that the government will sanction her proposals. Ben has opened a sports retailer. So far he has got fifty nine million thirty thousand dollars' worth of gym and boxing equipment in his shop. Over five million dollars' worth of boxing rings, jacuzzi tubs and fitness machines have been shipped nationwide over the last eleven months so he's doing a fantastic job of it. He loves gambling. In fact hes in his way to a casino where he'll up the ante on the roulette wheel this time which he's excited about. He did six hours' worth of work though before heading for the casino. He has a Chanel watchband worth fifty thousand nine hundred dollars. His Lamborghini is worth over one million dollars.
2020-01-21 18:54:49
Ben Simmons is worth half a billion whereas his girlfriend must be worth over sixty million. He's bought a house lately. He's done a month's worth of furniture shopping for it but it'll need a lot more work before he can move in. He asked me about selling his original house. I said "your best bet would be to sell it this year" The property developer will be giving a talk about the facilities that they're planning on building for the clubhouse which is worth his attention. It'll soak up eight five percent of their budget. He's a churchgoer who says his prayers every night before going to bed. He keeps having flashbacks of a car crash that he saw in Fukuoka after seeing a car accident on the news so yesterday he went to the church where he asked a pastor to pray for him. His church stresses the importance of daily prayer in the life of a Christian. He's a kickboxing fan. John will be fighting Dan in July but if he tests positive for steroids again the fans will be bitterly disappointed in him. The promoter will also be terribly disappointed with him since last year two of his tests came back positive. As a result he was suspended for half a year. However if he loses because of ring rust due to having been suspended for half a year the fans including me will be deeply disappointed at the result. My cousin's husband will also be terribly disappointed by the fact that he loses due to ring rust because of having been suspended. Last year I was bitterly disappointed to find his fight against Dan was overturned to a mo contest. The fans were deeply disappointed to hear he would be suspended as well. Four years ago John fought Matt in which he was disqualified for landing illegal downward elbows. Therefore he lost the match by disqualification but which I was a bit disappointed. Two years later he used yet another illegal move in a fight against Anthony which was a knee to the grounded opponent's head. The referee could've stopped the fight which would've been a cheap triumph for Anthony but fortunately he didn't. Instead he called a timeout to let him have a rest. John said in the post-fight press conference that when the referee called for a timeout he immediately had flashbacks of his match against Matt. The promoter sometimes pretends to be a fighter's friend buy he'll sell him down the river the moment it makes financial sense for him. He pretended like he was Tito's friend but once he was past his prime he sold him down the river by firing him. This sport used to be big in Japan but today it's most popular in the united states but not that popular in the global scheme of things. Like swimming it requires an exquisite sense of timing. I'm planning on retrofitting my kickboxing gym with a ring and a cage. They're worth having as they make sparring more effective. A retrofit for my personal gym room is necessary too which invopvee putting in a lat pulldown machine. The book "martial arts styles" are worth reading as it teaches you the correct and effective.ways of landing punches and kicks as well as.executing submissions. Ben's cousin Jane has recently broken up with her boyfriend so she's feeling a bit down. To those of you who've broken up and haven't yet found new love: take heart ! you might find it worth your while to read "men are from Mars women venus" written by John gray. He's a relationship expert whose work elaborates the keys to a successful long term relationship. I was reluctant to read it at first since I'm not an avid reader but it turned out to be worth nt while as I've learnt loads about how men and women think differently. Successful couples say that this international bestseller is worth its weight in gold. For what its worth you can consult a social worker. Keep your chin up!
2020-01-21 22:50:03
Season's greetings, wishing you a holiday season full of warmth, love and family!
2020-01-21 22:52:14
2020-01-22 10:57:08

2020-01-23 08:22:35

2020-01-23 08:24:15
2020-01-23 09:46:37
2020-01-23 10:27:32
其實搞成咁,不如簽Jamal Crawford博一博啦
2020-01-24 19:57:18
nuggets rocks
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