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2019-09-07 17:06:35
Police public relations branch
2019-09-07 17:09:03
狗 : 我地有理由相信你唔知係度做咩野

2019-09-07 17:09:04
2019-09-07 17:09:08
2019-09-07 17:09:15
2019-09-07 17:10:17
2019-09-07 17:10:59

Dear Sir,


With reference to the Facebook link above, a young man was caught by police in the airport today for staying near airport. The man was specking fluent English and explaining to the police that he was picking up or meeting a friend in the airport.

However, the police tried to prevent him from staying in the public area for meeting a friend without accurate and clear explaining when police was exercising police powers. When he was asked if his act was unlawful or not, he told the press to ask PPRB for the reason.

Therefore, as requested by police, PPRB please answer how a citizen is unlawful when he/she wants to pick up a friend or buy Starbucks or take pictures of planes in the airport. If these acts are unlawful, please state the law clearly and explain to the public. If picking up a friend is not illegal, does it imply that police officer tried to interfere citizen's Freedom of movement which restricts citizens' mobility rights to spend their spare time in where he pleases for leisure?

Such a right is provided in the constitutions of numerous states, and in documents reflecting norms of international law. For example, Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights asserts that: a citizen of a state in which that citizen is present has the liberty to travel, reside in, and/or work in any part of the state where one pleases within the limits of respect for the liberty and rights of others.

PPRB please answer whether the police in the video violate the international law for limiting citizens' mobility rights or actually the violation of the international law was ordered or permitted by the Hong Kong Police Force. Moreover, PPRB please also answer why police officers do not need to explain reason when they are exercising police powers.

Please answer as soon as possible as the police offered referred press to ask PPRB and I will help police to spread the message. Thank you.
2019-09-07 17:11:36
2019-09-07 17:11:49
international city my ass
2019-09-07 17:11:52
2019-09-07 17:12:01
2019-09-07 17:13:25
Popo tries to destroy Hong Kong’s tourism image, how shameful they are
2019-09-07 17:13:26
Freedom of speech (particualrly in Hong Kong, starting from June 2019) = speaking smth in favour of police (including language)
2019-09-07 17:17:10
광동어 모르는데
2019-09-07 17:17:47
其實真係每年set 一個英語試比班狗考啦
2019-09-07 17:20:08
2019-09-07 17:21:35
2019-09-07 17:22:34
2019-09-07 17:22:35
2019-09-07 17:22:43
2019-09-07 17:23:37
2019-09-07 17:24:40
你最撚叻 一聽說知
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