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2019-09-05 19:34:44
2019-09-05 19:52:12
2019-09-05 19:56:39
2019-09-05 20:01:04


當年1911 呢,都係因為清政府唔守信用,所以啲人民唔再想清政府做佢哋嘅政府。政府唔守信用,人民要推反佢係公道咯。但係呢,如果香港人身為當事人,自己都唔反,噉國際世界都無權反。當香港知道咗中共失信,冇資格做政府嘅時候,如果願意繼續用噉嘅方式生存呢,就係等如嗰啲願意嘅香港人同中共再有一個不明文嘅契约,承認哩個冇信用嘅政府係佢哋想要嘅政府喇。噉樣呢,外界就冇權介入幫香港討公道,因為香港係自願俾中共統治呀。所以,香港人一日唔講唔承認中國,一日唔講想獨立呢,國際都唔可以幫你噉做㗎。



2019-09-05 20:01:14
Oh I see! But, if automy is written on the basic law, and CCP breached the contract for so many year, is it really fair that CCP could right their wrong by giving Hong Kong what they had avoided? Wouldn’t it mean that there are NO consequences for breaching a contract? How is that fair?

Big Sis says we shouldn’t punish people, but since the CCP broke a promise, the situation cannot be restored by only fulfilling the breached contract. Since the CCP breached the contract, it is fair for it to lose sovereignty over Hong Kong. This loss of sovereignty has nothing do with the content of the Sino-British Joint Declaration. It is not because the Sino-British Joint Declaration happens to be about Hong Kong’s sovereignty. But that when a government breaks a contract with its people, the government no longer qualifies as a government. When the CCP loses its qualification as a government, the world at large may choose not to treat China as a country. International market may void the valid of the Chinese currency, which would then only circulate in the black market. All countries in the world may treat China as a black market, and not recognize any certificate that China issues. Overnight, without a drop of blood, China would no longer be a country.

In 1911, it was also because the Qing government lost people’s trust, the people no longer recognize the Qing government as their government. It is righteous for the people to overthrow their government when their government breaks their promises. But, as the direct victims, if Hongkongers do not object, the world at large also has no legal grounds to object for Hong Kong. When Hongkongers knowingly accepts the untrustworthy CCP as their government, then a new unwritten contract is formed, admitting that this untrustworthy CCP to be their government. Then, the world at large has no ground to right the wrongs done to the Hongkongers, since it would be the will of Hongkongers to be ruled as such. Therefore, as long as Hongkongers don’t speak of rejecting the sovereignty by China, don’t speak of willing to become independent, the world at large cannot help you to do so.

I am the Little Red Riding Hood. My Big Sis is the Blue Angel. Isn’t it true that you dislike both red and blue? But I am true red. Big Sis is true blue. We want to give you justice. Don’t you see? If you reject the sovereignty by China, and the world at large support you in time, then China would no longer be a country, it would become just a very large black market on the world map. At that time, no matter how much CCP hurts the Hongkongers, the situation won’t change, since it is the world at large not recognizing China as a control. Without a drop of blood, Hong Kong could become independent. Then, on the first day of October, we could sincerely celebrate the birth of this black market! Being truthful is worth celebrating!

Therefore, we hope for Hong Kong’s independence. Unless Hong Kong does not want to be independent. Hongkongers are free to make such decision. Regardless what you choose, we will still love Hongkongers.

There is nothing one must do or not do in the world. A new beginning can happen every minute, every second, every breath. Even if Hongkongers don’t choose to be independent today, but choose to do so later, we will still be supportive. Every person is free to choose independent, and to be united with anyone they choose. This is the freedom that humanity should have.
2019-09-05 20:02:57
2019-09-05 20:09:42
2019-09-05 20:14:35
ok得啦 你個理論最正宗

2019-09-05 20:19:23
2019-09-05 20:23:25
2019-09-05 20:23:42

根本係江澤民時期之做法, 基本法亦有寫明。

2019-09-05 20:24:06
2019-09-05 20:24:22
2019-09-05 20:34:16
2019-09-05 20:45:08
2019-09-05 20:48:58
2019-09-05 20:55:48

We won’t end the protest, until UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE and other four demands are fulfilled.
Please pass the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act
Justice can only be done by US congress passing the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019...
2019-09-05 20:56:22
2019-09-05 20:56:43
2019-09-05 20:59:32
2019-09-05 21:04:58
2019-09-05 21:11:34
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞