【緊急】831,我同德國記者去左訪問前線,好多感觸。求求大家幫手,港女尋人!!! URGENT!!!!


1153 回覆
1939 Like 2 Dislike
武妝小姐 2019-09-02 00:14:28
腸仔變fit啲 2019-09-02 00:14:35
迷途小廢青 2019-09-02 00:15:18
願你公義降臨 2019-09-02 00:15:18
Podolski 2019-09-02 00:19:08
Pure_White 2019-09-02 00:19:47
貓痴 2019-09-02 00:20:07
天雨粟 2019-09-02 00:20:17
多汁大肉丸 2019-09-02 00:31:22
馬黑絲 2019-09-02 00:33:57
__星野源__ 2019-09-02 00:44:42
Ven 2019-09-02 00:51:11
Ven 2019-09-02 00:52:16
寧作飛灰 2019-09-02 00:52:53
Ven 2019-09-02 00:53:58
Totally agree!!!
***如果你覺得無辦法信賴我地,但又想提出呢項呈請,我地完全理解體諒。你可以開個fake account搵我地,然後我地會為你draft一份skeleton/template俾你自己input提交。***
Ven 2019-09-02 00:54:42
感謝 ))))))))))))))))))
Ven 2019-09-02 00:56:43
Ven 2019-09-02 00:57:58
Amnesty 搵緊 torture victims:




聯絡: eric.kwok@amnesty.org
如果閣下不願暴露自己email或需要需要協助,請聯繫關公廟admin @kwankungacolyte

Amnesty International has been monitoring the situation of police enforcement in Hong Kong since the start of the protest. Now, they are looking for testimonies of human right violations (Chi/Eng, Witness/ physical evidence/ written testimony) during the protests and their extent for future actions. The testimonies collected will be submitted to relevant UN bodies and be used in local and international campaigns of Amnesty International.

We value information in particular related to:
1)Misuse of tear gas, including use of tear gas in confined areas, deployed from above and in residential area
2)The eye injury of the young woman on 11 June and other situations that various kinds of bullets were used
3)Conditions during detention

We accept anonymous submission but a contact information for us to follow up would be even more desirable. If it is necessary, we will follow up with the testimony provider and get more details.

Contact: eric.kwok@amnesty.org
If you do not wish to expose your email or need further assistance, please contact our admin @kwankungacolyte
Hi all, I just saw this appeal from amnesty who is looking for victims of police brutality. I thought members of this group might know a few people who have unfortunately been subject to it. Thanks!
大波仔與大波妹 2019-09-02 00:58:40
Ven 2019-09-02 00:59:06
哥倫布 2019-09-02 01:03:24

撇除政府問題,淨係計警隊,再淨係計721 85 811 新屋嶺 CCTV直送 831,已經夠哂理由比示威者做任何野,包括以武制暴 以眼還眼 百倍奉還




#五大訴求 缺一不可
#重組警隊 刑事追究 改革監警制度
Ven 2019-09-02 01:04:54
TG 放題 is more than enough. `我地做過research,其實好多popo 用tear gas既情況均有違國際守則,例如:

1. 唔可以在密閉空間發射
• Chemical irritants should generally not be used in situations of purely passive resistance. Chemical irritants should not be used in closed environments without adequate ventilation. (2018 Consultation Text for Geneva Guidelines )
• Never use riot control agents in confined spaces. (OHCHR/ ONODC Resource Book on the Use of Force and Firearms in Law Enforcement)

2. 不可向人發射
• Irritant projectiles should not be fired at the head or face of an individual owing to the risk of death or serious injury from impact trauma. (2018 Consultation Text for Geneva Guidelines )
• Never fire riot-control agents from hand held launchers directly towards a person. Many persons have died or been seriously injured from the impact of a riot control agent container. (Caribbean Human Rights and Use of Force Model Policy )

3. 不可使用過期tear gas
• Generally, RCAs have a shelf life of three to five years, after which they should not be used. The US company Federal Laboratories, in its pamphlet entitled ‘Riot Control’, stresses that inappropriate storage of their RCAs and/or use after the recommended five year shelf life can cause the equipment to malfunction. (The Weapons Law Encyclopedia of the Geneva Academy )
Ven 2019-09-02 01:06:41
Apologies for the mistake
Revised link (p.25): https://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Publications/FactSheet7Rev.2.pdf
歡迎inbox 我地
Ven 2019-09-02 01:07:27
Apologies for the mistake

Revised link (p.25):
Ven 2019-09-02 01:07:50
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞