[5分鷹入] 2019-2020 轉會情報 (4)

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2019-07-14 02:18:15
2019-07-14 02:46:30
Arsenal realised swiss Stefan Lichtsteiner
2019-07-14 02:46:49
David Ornstein @bbcsport_david
Sources tell @BBCSport Arsenal have not submitted a bid for Lille forward Nicolas Pepe and do not have the level of money being reported (€80m) to sign the Ivory Coast international this summer #LOSC #AFC

2:37 AM - Jul 14, 2019
2019-07-14 02:50:15
2019-07-14 02:54:49
2019-07-14 03:01:14
上年利傳到幾$ 都唔放話?
2019-07-14 03:04:48
2019-07-14 03:50:18
Coutinho agent: "Liverpool lies very, very deep in his heart. He was a big fan of them throughout the campaign. He was wishing for them to win the title and he has a very strong affinity there so I think it will be very difficult for him to go to a direct competitor of Liverpool"
2019-07-14 03:53:16
Kia Joorabchian (one of Coutinho's representatives): "As I said to you last time, Pep Segura told me that Coutinho was not available for a Barcelona departure. Josep Bartomeu told me the same thing last week in Barcelona." [rmc via @GFFN]

Joorabchian: "With this discourse in mind, we decided not to look at the market for our player, out of respect for the decision made by Barcelona to keep him. We have therefore not looked at what other clubs are offering."

Joorabchian: "But I have since learnt, and it is a fact, that André Curry (Barça’s South America representative), is saying something completely different. He is pushing for Coutinho to be included in a transfer that would see Neymar move from PSG."

Joorabchian: "As I have said to you, Coutinho does not have any offers from any club because he respected Barça's decision. But they are not respecting what they told us. I remained silent in this period, but it can no longer be that they are allowed to lie about their player."

Joorabchian: "Barcelona have to tell the truth! And if they want Coutinho to go, they need to say so. And with the player, we will then decide what is best for his future."
2019-07-14 04:03:18
2019-07-14 04:04:46
2019-07-14 04:56:59
2019-07-14 05:21:47
2019-07-14 06:56:29
L’Équipe insist that Arsenal on Thursday offered Lille €80m for Nicolas Pépé, to be paid in several instalments. More follows.

L’Équipe claim that the player’s entourage informed them of this bid on Saturday morning & that Jorge Mendes has inserted himself into negotiations.

L’Équipe: Nicolas Pépé wants to move to PSG, who can’t afford to sign him unless Neymar goes - Lille are tired of the Ivorian’s persistent delay on choosing his next club. His agents want him to meet every interested club’s manager to discuss how they’d use him before deciding.
2019-07-14 07:04:39
#Arsenal back in for #Celtic defender Kieran Tierney. Latest offer understood to be in region of £25million.

2019-07-14 10:39:31
2019-07-14 10:41:49
confirm within this week
2019-07-14 11:20:58
2019-07-14 12:31:52
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞