【 突發】根據投稿Financial Times經驗,緊急幫手修改G20登報公開信!希望略盡綿力!


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一大舊柒頭皮 2019-06-25 17:18:55
離地 2019-06-25 17:19:21
to establish an independent commission under the legislature to investigate the misconducts of the Hong Kong Police Force

to establish an effective and independent authority monitoring the acts of Hong Kong Police Force and handle complaints against the Police in long term, instead of the existing system which the Police investigate complaints internally
二貨課長 2019-06-25 17:19:55
如果有圖係咪最好灰色之後得一個顏色,例好嗰個胡椒噴霧黃色雨褸, 剩係得黃色雨褸有色, 其他黑白會唔會好 eye catching 呢,otherwise, 就係紅....有邊個流血嘅相
pccf 2019-06-25 17:20:02

Dear World,

We are a group of concerned citizens among the 2 million protestors marching on the streets of Hong Kong on June 16. This is our sincere plead for your support for our fight for freedom and justice.

The Hong Kong Government proposed a bill that would allow the extradition of alleged “fugitives” from Hong Kong to China, where the judiciary is controlled by an authoritarian party-state that has a notorious record of human rights violations. If the bill is passed, anyone who visits or resides in Hong Kong can be arrested and sent to China for trials. Let us not forget that the overall conviction rate in China's opaque courtrooms is 99.9%.

By protesting against the bill, we are trying to safeguard the rights and safety of not only the citizens of Hong Kong but also the people of other nationalities who come here to work, study, or travel. We took to the streets unarmed with only helmets and umbrellas, but we were suppressed with 150 shots of tear gases on June 12. Some were beaten up by police batons; some were shot in the head by rubber bullets and bean bag rounds. Numerous protestors were unjustifiably characterized as “rioters”, when all they did was to participate in a peaceful protest to speak up against a government that has failed to represent our voice.

Hong Kong’s autonomy from the influence of China has been increasingly deteriorating since the handover of the city from British to Chinese rule in 1997. We appeal for your support as Hong Kong struggles to resist the political and legal encroachment of an authoritarian China.
淫賤吹吹波 2019-06-25 17:20:37
你老母好臭:) 2019-06-25 17:20:43
洋羽 2019-06-25 17:21:15
維多師 2019-06-25 17:21:32

如果要登全版想eyecatching又震撼,可以試試呢個。Text =公開信內容
AI 2019-06-25 17:21:42
追風箏的傻子 2019-06-25 17:21:54
蘋果粉絲 2019-06-25 17:22:16
W.W. 2019-06-25 17:22:39
🔥埃の魔神 2019-06-25 17:23:11
蒙太奇 2019-06-25 17:23:11
又嗌肚餓 2019-06-25 17:23:19
維多師 2019-06-25 17:23:55
如果要登全版想eyecatching又震撼,可以試試呢個。Text =公開信內容
Gummomo 2019-06-25 17:24:13
返工不了? 2019-06-25 17:24:14
二貨課長 2019-06-25 17:25:21

如果張圖咁樣會唔會eye catching? 要揾photoshop 高手搞
🔥埃の魔神 2019-06-25 17:25:41
波上的奶兒 2019-06-25 17:26:05
維多師 2019-06-25 17:26:08
北極企鵝南極熊 2019-06-25 17:26:23
香港眾屎 2019-06-25 17:26:32

吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞