【出爐】《 抗 爭 者 致 香 港 市 民 道 歉 聲 明 》

1076 回覆
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2019-06-18 23:22:58
2019-06-18 23:23:00
2019-06-18 23:23:09
開記者會, 宣讀宣言 九十度躹躬道歉

2019-06-18 23:24:36
2019-06-18 23:25:02
2019-06-18 23:25:34
2019-06-18 23:25:50
2019-06-18 23:26:00
2019-06-18 23:26:00
Hello. Not 文宣組 but wanna help too. im suggest the following amendments and comments are welcomed:

Firstly, a heartfelt ( show how sincere we are) apology to the Hong Kong people.
Despite multiple peaceful demonstrations, two protests with a turnout above a million and the brave action of a martyr, we regret that no progress is made on our 5 ( or 4?)main demands for the past two weeks. To achieve our goals, we are considering to escalate our (reduce redundancy)struggle against the tyranny of the government. For the safety of the general public, we hereby advise:
1. DO NOT (using imperative make the message stronger and more eye-catching) travel to/near Admiralty/the Government HQ at 20 ad 21 June unless necessary. (use more symbols to make the post more reader friendly)
2. AVOID travelling by the MTR. Please tell us if you have to and we will try our bests to escort you. Please accept our apology in advance if our movement have caused you inconvenience.

If you wish to join our struggle, please:
1. Wear light and (both characteristics are not contradicting and equally important so and would be a better link)protective clothing, such as trousers and sneakers.
2. Prepare extra clothing and protective equipment: Masks, Long Umbrellas and Goggles (Of which you may exchange with swimming goggles.)
3. Prepare sufficient drinking water and rations.
4. Be steadfast in heart, calm in mind, and prepared to improvise.

In view of the brutal police repression on 6/12, all who participate will run the risk of injury, arrest or both. However, we still hope to to uphold the principle of "No bleeding, no injury, no arrest", and protect the safety of everyone to the best of our abilities.

We also call upon all sectors and walks of Hong Kong to donate supplies. You may pay close attention to the direction of individual supply depots in order to do so.
2019-06-18 23:26:02
2019-06-18 23:26:35
續 字數太多

The enemy of our struggle have never been the people of Hong Kong or the Hong Kong Police Force. Instead, it is the stubborn and oppressive ruling class. We shall strive to protect the Hong Kong that we all know and love fiercely, and we shall not fail.

We hereby declare our four demands once again:
1. The complete withdrawal of the Extradition Bill.
2. The release of our arrested compatriots unconditionally
3. The revocation of the labelling of "Riot" on 6/12
4. The prosecution of excessive violence used by police officers under a fair and impartial system.

It will bedifficult to restore peace and stability to the Hong Kong society should the government fail to respond to these demands.

No retreat without withdrawal! God bless Hong Kong!
2019-06-18 23:26:40
2019-06-18 23:27:15

係政府唔回應要求 我地被逼行動升級
2019-06-18 23:27:34
2019-06-18 23:28:59
it's ok
2019-06-18 23:29:04
2019-06-18 23:29:28
2019-06-18 23:29:40
2019-06-18 23:30:04
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區

2019-06-18 23:30:31
2019-06-18 23:30:48
2019-06-18 23:31:15
2019-06-18 23:32:18
5.堵塞醫管局系統漏洞 追查洩漏資料去向 追究洩漏資料責任 向病人道歉及賠償

吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞